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WJST WSPR/JT9 Balloon Launch

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by G6YZC, May 11, 2016.

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  1. G6YZC

    G6YZC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Using a version of the QRP Labs U3S Multimode Digital beacon and a couple of party balloons S9 of VE3KCL's ham radio balloon project was tracked by fellow hams for 51,711 Km. Hams from all around the world sent in reports of the balloons progress from WJST signals received on 10MHz. On the 9th May 2016 VE3KCL launched his S10 balloon who's progress can be tracked on the balloons web page or on 10MHz WJST. Pictures and more information on the balloons U3S transmission frequencies and schedule can be found on the link bellow. My children and their friends have enjoyed following VE3KCL's balloons as they attempt to circumnavigate the globe and wake up each morning hoping that the balloons have survived the night. What a great introduction to Ham radio these U3S Balloons have been to many of them. "Can we do that for our Science fair" seems to be one of their first questions. Thank you to VE3KCL and QRP Labs for sparking their interest in both Science and Radio.

    Paul N2EME
  2. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    what is WJST in the title? never heard of it.
  3. G6YZC

    G6YZC XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Alas it is a typo. I must have used and typed WSJT thousands of times over the years and you know when I typed the note for this thread I never even realized that I had transposed the letters. Reading what I see in my head and not what is on the screen. Thank You for pointing out my stupidity. :)
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