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Wireless Network Operator suggests to revoke Amateur Radio 9cm and 13cm bands in Brazil.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by PY2RN, Nov 15, 2018.

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  1. PY2RN

    PY2RN Ham Member QRZ Page


    Wireless Network Operator suggests to revoke Amateur Radio use on 9cm and 13cm bands in Brazil.

    Claiming interest to deploy LTE/5G technology on 2.3-2.4GHz (13cm band) and 3.4-3.5GHz (9cm band) Brazilian subsidiary of Telecom Italia - TIM Celular S.A. has suggested to the Brazilian National Telecommunication Agency - ANATEL to revoke Amateur Radio permission to operate on these bands and allocate them exclusively to commercial use in Brazil, if this passes and get ap proved through the current regulatory agency public consultation, HAMs operating Moon bounce, Satellites and other terrestrial communications and experiments will no longer be allowed to use these bands.

    tim_b.jpg tim_a.jpg
  2. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Are they going to move the frequency of microwave ovens ? :rolleyes:
    AH2AP, KC1HBN, AD5NM and 4 others like this.
  3. W6RZ

    W6RZ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    In the US, there's already a cell phone band at 2.3 GHz. The frequencies are 2305 to 2320 MHz (handset uplink) and 2345 to 2360 MHz (tower downlink). It's also known as LTE band 30 and is available on most cell phones (for Apple, starting with the iPhone 6s). The 2305 to 2310 MHz segment overlaps with the Amateur Radio allocation at 2300 to 2310 MHz.

    Fortunately (at least for now), it's lightly used.
    KA2FIR, KI7SIJ and PY2RN like this.
  4. NU4R

    NU4R XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    WJ2L, KX4BW, KA2FIR and 10 others like this.
  5. K5CQA

    K5CQA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Our privileges are worth fighting for; and if we don't work together as a world community, erosion of frequencies will continue. One of the last things I would hope to hear from any amateur radio operator is: "Well, it doesn't concern me." Rest assured, I will do everything I possibly can to fight against the bribery system known as commercial use.
    WJ2L, KC2TYV, KX4BW and 4 others like this.
  6. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sad formula that works.

    WJ2L, N4KNZ, W5CJA and 2 others like this.
  7. K6UMA

    K6UMA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sadly, that seems to be a popular modus operandi
    KF4ZKU and PY2RN like this.
  8. ND6M

    ND6M Ham Member QRZ Page

    THIS is the type of affairs the ARRL should be addressing, not some silly antenna restriction that people willingly agree to.
    K3RW, KX4BW, KA2FIR and 5 others like this.
  9. VA3VF

    VA3VF Ham Member QRZ Page

    So true! Or buy a house 'next door' to the international airport, and complain about the noise. True story.

    The house was built a few years ago. The airport, in its current form, in 1960. The airport must relocate, they say.:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2018
    KC2TYV, PD0JBV and VK6APZ/SK2022 like this.
  10. PA0MHS

    PA0MHS Ham Member QRZ Page

    As much as I oppose against loosing ham bands, shouldn't we be a bit more realistic? On HF, our bands occupy 450kHz max. On VHF mostly 2MHz and on UHF 10MHz max. So why would we need 100MHz on SHF bands? Try scanning such a range with your VFO knob, searching for activity...
    W7ASA and G4PWO like this.
  11. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    They do!! The ARRL Spectrum Defense folks are on top of the relentless assault on all of our bands. They seem to do some good work.

    I think they could benefit from better communication about their efforts and results. I looked at the ARRL website, not much there.

    Of course, that's only in US, not much help for Brazil.
    KF4ZKU likes this.
  12. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    Think beyond CW and SSB. Think about high bit rates. Think about spread spectrum. Think about advancing the state of the radio art!!
    K6UMA and KX4O like this.
  13. SM0AOM

    SM0AOM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Welcome to reality...

    The UHF spectrum is extremely valuable for commercial users, and we
    have been lucky that these assaults have been delayed for so long time.

    In Sweden we lost 2300-2400 MHz years ago, and other Nordic countries are likely to lose both 2300 and 3400 MHz in the near future.

    The 2400 to 2450 MHz range is still available, but with a power restriction of 100 mW. Amateur radio is considered similar to WiFi and other "short range devices" in the eyes of the regulator.
    Hence this restriction, which has been challenged in Administrative Court but currently to no avail.
    The lawyers at the Swedish regulator have a very negative view of amateur radio and consider us irrelevant.

    More serious is the possibility that both 23 cm and 70 cm may be the next to be lost.

    Our generous allocations in the UHF/SHF ranges are a remnant of the conditions prevalent at the 1947 Atlantic City conference, and the world has changed considerably since.

    KA2FIR, G4PWO and G3SEA like this.
  14. VA3VF

    VA3VF Ham Member QRZ Page

    A lot of the spectrum given to hams way back when was considered useless to commercial interests. This idea that we were recognized back then, but not now, is a fallacy. OK...maybe be a bit, but nothing to justify the spectrum we were given.

    Times have changed, technology has advanced, and the spectrum is worth a lot of money. Spectrum protection is going to be a struggle. Even HF is not safe. Who knows where this is all going to end?
    G4PWO and G3SEA like this.
  15. SM0AOM

    SM0AOM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Another aspect is that a lot, probably a large majority of all radio amateurs, are convinced that if a frequency range should be allocated to amateur radio in the frequency allocations table (Article 5) in ITU-RR, it will always be provided for all the world's amateurs.

    This is not the case. Any Administration have the choice of permitting amateur access to all or a fraction, or even nothing, of a band that has amateur radio as either a primary or secondary user. They however cannot allocate more, without either filing a footnote, or by invoking Article 4.4.

    Allocating spectrum that is exclusive amateur in ranges that have regular international propagation to other users is more difficult, but is not unheard of.

    One recent example (WRC-15) is the footnote (5.122) that
    does not permit amateur radio in the 3750-4000 kHz range in some countries in Region 2:

    "5.122 Alternative allocation: in Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru, the frequency band 3 750-4 000 kHz is allocated to the fixed and mobile, except aeronautical mobile, services on a primary basis"

    Other examples are the "carved up" 80 meter bands in Japan, Korea and Australia.

    It is very difficult to make predictions about the future demands for HF spectrum. It appears that "civilian customers" such as broadcasters currently have little interest, but military users still have an almost unsatiable appetite for spectrum.

    If the general view that amateur radio is "irrelevant" continues to spread among spectrum regulators world-wide we will have hard times coming at upcoming regional and global spectrum allocation conferences.

    We managed, through a stroke of luck, to get the 15 kHz on 60 m.

    Without a coordinated effort among the friends that amateur radio still had in the national delegations to WRC-15, this would have ended in nothing, or at best a Region 2 allocation.

    Amateur radio has got powerful enemies in some countries, and as more and more "friendly" officials retire, and are replaced by accountants and lawyers, the long-term prospects have become quite bleak.

    "Après nous le déluge..."

    KF4ZKU and N5RFX like this.

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