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What to Do BEFORE Moving to an HOA

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K8QS, Jun 28, 2021.

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  1. AD0IM

    AD0IM XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I joined the hobby after buying into an HOA neighborhood. As it turns out, the restrictions only keep me from doing things I don't have the energy to do anyway. Large antennas just look like a lot of work and worry to me. The Mrs would probably have those same restrictions anyway. A couple of stealthy dipoles are working for me just fine.
    W1SRR, WA4LV, KE4YMX and 11 others like this.
  2. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page


    I will never, ever, live under an HOA regime.
    W4JPL, M1WML, KE4ITL and 4 others like this.
  3. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Because most of those people don't do anything out of the ordinary themselves and it keeps their neighbors from doing anything out of the ordinary either, and they're the types who want to keep other people's lives as dull as their own.
    KC1DR, M1WML, N8VIL and 2 others like this.
  4. W1SPS

    W1SPS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Simple, DON'T move to an HOA. I can't imagine willingly spending good money to have my rights infringed on.
    W4JPL, M1WML, N8VIL and 4 others like this.
  5. W2AI

    W2AI QRZ Lifetime Member #240 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    I see the usual pro-HOA suspects on Ham Radio Discussions are NOT commenting on this thread.....
    W1SRR, M1WML, N0TZU and 1 other person like this.
  6. W2AI

    W2AI QRZ Lifetime Member #240 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Roger, I don't blame you.....same for me as well.
    M1WML likes this.
  7. VE2GCE

    VE2GCE Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    AJ6KZ, M1WML and N4THC like this.
  8. W1SPS

    W1SPS XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    If you can't have the antenna you want that is being deterred.
    M1WML and KR3DX like this.
  9. N0TZU

    N0TZU Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well done, and thanks for keeping it succinct!
    AJ6KZ and M1WML like this.
  10. GW6CZE

    GW6CZE Ham Member QRZ Page

    So much for the land of the free !
    M1WML likes this.
  11. W5CJA

    W5CJA Ham Member QRZ Page

    Even without HOAs, most new developments (even for starter homes) come with covenants. If you're building a family and want to stay in a good school district, you're probably going to have restrictions.

    That being said, if I could build or buy as far from civilization as possible...I would.
    M1WML, KR3DX, AA7TK and 2 others like this.
  12. W2AI

    W2AI QRZ Lifetime Member #240 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Step 2:
    Just say "NO".
    KB2SMS, M1WML and KR3DX like this.
  13. K8QS

    K8QS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great work, Don. We've seen the influence of hams in many communities.
    Quin, K8QS
    Subscribe to "Ham Radio Perspectives" YouTube Channel:
    M1WML likes this.
  14. K8QS

    K8QS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    There you have it, Dave. We get to select the kinds of communities we move into. HOAs vary enormously too.
    Quin, K8QS
    Subscribe to "Ham Radio Perspectives" YouTube Channel:
    M1WML likes this.
  15. K8QS

    K8QS Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for your kind comments, Bob. We knew we would get the usual "I'll never move to an HOA" comments, but the fact is that even many such folks end up in HOAs. So we approached things to over help for those thinking about making the move.
    Quin, K8QS
    Subscribe to "Ham Radio Perspectives" YouTube Channel:
    M1WML and KF5KWO like this.

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