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Welcome to Hamfest Reports

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by AA7BQ, Sep 27, 2010.

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  1. AA7BQ

    AA7BQ QRZ Founder QRZ HQ Staff QRZ Page

    This new category is about reports on recent hamfests that you've attended. This forum is moderated so that the signal-to-noise ratio shall remain high.

    The purpose of this forum is to report on how hamfests that are advertised on these pages actually turned out and whether you would recommend the event for someone returning next time.

    To start a new report, please give it the title of (Hamfest Name) followed by Date, such as: Shelby Hamfest - 9/5/2010

    Hamfest reports should be factual and describe the approximate number of tables participating as well as a general estimate of the overall attendance. You should also describe the weather (if outdoors) and if people were camping the night before. You may comment on the organization, how you believe the event was managed, whether access was convenient, etc..

    Photos are highly encouraged. A good way to post photos is to upload them to a photo site (we use Picasa) and then link them into your article.

    Comments are also allowed however all are reviewed and those that fail to contribute to the report in a meaningful way will not be approved.
    YD2BUZ likes this.
  2. KC4NFW

    KC4NFW Ham Member QRZ Page

    GRAY Hamfest TN Oct this year

    IS thir a hamfest in TN
    gray in Johnson city OCT
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