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Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W7DXX, Nov 4, 2004.

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  1. W7DME

    W7DME Ham Member QRZ Page

    To Keith, W7DXX,

    Hi Keith,

    I don't believe you remember me as my call sign has Changed since our last association. At that time I Was WB7ETD. Think back to Olympia Washington and Capitol Peak, 146.76 Repeater you were putting up. If you want to email me, my email address is


    Mike - K7OV
  2. AB8RU

    AB8RU Ham Member QRZ Page

    VEEEEERY Interesting !
  3. K1WW

    K1WW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Does Iraq allow anyone in the world to remotely operate a transmitter located in Baghdad?

    Last week or so, I heard a person in California operating the W7DXX remote located near Boston on 75 meters. He was in the DX window. Many of the DX stations he was working thought he was in California because he failed to properly explain the operation and constantly identified only with his California callsign. When he did mention W7DXX it was in passing. Language differences and marginal signal strengths added to the confusion. How many QSL cards will he get from stations thinking they contacted a station in California? How many will he send back indicating they did? We will never know.

    Good luck with your project.

  4. N9OQT

    N9OQT Ham Member QRZ Page

    This is the wording of my license. Now admittedly this was issued a year ago under the Coalition Provisional Authority. The wording may have changed a little after the government transitions, I do not know.

    The way that I interpret that language is that I can only operate on frequencies that I am allowed to operate on in the United States and frequencies that are authorized in the Region 1 bandplan.

    So, even though I am a Extra class operator at home and can operate all through the HF spectrum, sometimes the region 1 bandplan doesn't coincide with the US bandplan.

    For instance on 40 Meters at home, I can use voice above 7.150, in Region 1, I can only use voice between 7.045 and 7.100. So the way that I interpret my license here is that I basically can not use voice on 40 Meters. Unless of course, I use a split frequency with the states. And considering my older Kenwood that I brought with me, that is not an option, I would have to retune every time. No Splits.

    So if you read things the same way that I do, then you could see if they are authorized to be operating that freq in the states, if they are not, then they are not allowed to be using that freq here.

    And if I am reading it wrong, please let me know, I miss 40 meters!

    SSG Patrick Twigg
    N9OQT / YI9OQT
  5. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Since when has one's callsign indicated location--10 years? 20 years?

    Chip N1IR
  6. W9WHE

    W9WHE Ham Member QRZ Page

    W7DXX is just the latest "victim" of the "hate success" philosophy. Some loon, with no facts, decides that somebody might be doing a little better then he/she is and decides "that's not fair". So, rather than do something constructive or something positive, they go negative and attack. Armed with nothing but ignorance of the facts and unbrideled hatred, some lefty loons launch unfounded attacks on something they don't like.

    Who are these people?
    Angry Liberals. Anything they don't like or don't understand is a terrible evil that must be viciously attacked and completely destroyed.

    W7DXX, keep innovating. Keep producing something positive. Ignore the Liberal attack machine. Before long, they will self destruct from their own hatrid.

  7. YI1DZ

    YI1DZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    To YI9OQT ..
    The CPA license is valid for five years, the new form of NCMC also no change (five years Valid),
    Iraq is working under region one of usage band plan of frequency, any call on the air using YI call should limited to use and respect the law of IARU beside FCC roles.
    License to non Iraqi is with call YI9.... .
    Other numbers in Iraqi Amateur Radio Society bylaw is use to other part of Iraq except No.0 (zero) use for occasions.
    So with the number we should know the location area inside Iraq - non Iraqi must know and use portable the number - but because no contact from foreigner authorized ham radio with our society and because of the war circumstances beside of some security of troops who use Iraqi call they cannot mention the location some time- SOME TIME. We know about it.
    Just to clarify this point.
    Best Regards

    Diya YI1DZ
  8. KG4WIJ

    KG4WIJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree with the position that working YI9DXX from the US is a DX contact for the US station, even if the control op is also in the US. The station is in Iraq, so the radio contact is DX to me, even if the op is sitting right next to me (though that particular situation could amount to a prearranged contact--which is not as challenging as picking a station out of the blue).

    The reverse is, at best, about half true; while i am DX to YI9DXX, the op is not actually in that country, so it would not really be in the spirit of DXCC to allow her to claim me, or even someone in Iran, as a DX contact.

    (A lot of people tend to get caught up in measuring things by what they can get away with, and lose site of the poiint of what they're doing--e.g. "questionable math" during a contest.)

    Brian, KG4WIJ
  9. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page


    Thanks for filling us in, and we all wish you the safest and best of health and welfare for you and your family.

    Chip N1IR
  10. WW4KW

    WW4KW Guest

    Nuff said : If you are a part of this ,then you are in violation of FCC rules and a poor example to your fellow amatuers. IF 50 people put a remote base every 3 kc there would be no 20 meters left other than remote bases. This goes against the very principles of amatuer radio IF you want to be DX go somewhere!!!
  11. N0OV

    N0OV Guest

    I have not been exposed to this type of OP before so my knowledge of what is and is not allowed is a little rusty.

    Which FCC rules are being violated. If you can identify the section, I would like to read up on it.
  12. K1LWI

    K1LWI Ham Member QRZ Page

    i been on ea8ee/l on28.380 usb qsos mni stations on that link usb lot of fun and it is free this is a echolink and few more on ssb n8ad on mni ssb freq hf bands  [​IMG]

    k1lwi wendell 73 guys
  13. WA5RR

    WA5RR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I don't think you understand the operation of a remote base.  On it, you have control of all the radio's functions to include frequency, mode, power output, etc.  I infer from your comment that you believe it to be similar to a repeater operation. That is not the case.  There is no difference between a remote base over the internet and the HF radio sitting on your desk. The "mic" cord over the internet is much longer so to say.

    Exactly how are the FCC's rules being violated in your opinion? I've looked at all the issues myself and see no problems in the current rules. Riley Hollingsworth himself finds no problems either.
  14. ab8td

    ab8td Ham Member QRZ Page

    Firstly, as said before, FCC rules do not apply in Iraq.

    Secondly, remote bases every 3kc will only jam up 20m _IF_ all of them are in use at once. And even if they were, how would that differ from having a non-remote base operating every 3kc? Every ham operating a remote base is a ham that is not operating his own rig. The remote base does not "own" the frequency. If I'm already on freq, I expect the remote base to wait for me as any other station would have to.

    Thirdly, as far as money and the possibility of surplus funds (As an earlier post said "I can charge money for repairs, and if I don't have to make repairs, then think of all the profit I can make!"). An orgainization _can_ have surplus funds and still be not-for-profit. It matters what they do with those funds. If they are holding them in reserve to fix a major equipment failure or for an major upgrade they are fine. If they are paying themselves bonuses and/or buying new cars for the club president then they are not (this applies even if they close the club, the club should give the excess funds to other not-for-profit with a similar purpose). With <50 members and $2400 in recuring operating expenses, I doubt not following the not-for-profit rules will even be an option.

  15. NN2X

    NN2X XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I have used the Internet Remote Stations (IRB) for almost 2 years.

    I live right now in the Middle East (Bahrain), and find it very difficult to bring my HAM equipment here, and further to erect the antenna at my location would be impossible. So the practical point of view (IRB) fits my needs.

    I have demonstrated this technology to so many people, from heads of states, to small children, all where impressed. Like I said on many posts before, you will find that HAM Radio is more interesting to young children, when you can demonstrate the abilities of HAM radio through the domain in which children operate (Over the Computer / Accessing Internet).

    About this $100. Who cares! I don't mind at all, I am making an estimation here, but I bet there is about $10,000 or more investment on Keith Side (W7DXX). So if I pay 1% annually to gain access to HAM station that cost $10,000 (Remotely), this makes sense to me. And if he makes money on this (Which I don't believe), I again could care less. If we consider the price and what you get, it is great deal.

    About the Project in Iraq, this is absolutely fantastic. I have met two of the Iraqis that will be assisting in the implementation of the Internet connectivity for this project. They are great folks, and very good engineers.

    The main issue here is that plenty of good will is being applied for a very good cause. (No need to sweat the small stuff!).

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