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W6WBJ Apparent Liability in the amount of $25,000

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KC7RUN, Dec 18, 2015.

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  1. KC7RUN

    KC7RUN Ham Member QRZ Page

    WILLIAM F. CROWELL. Notified William F. Crowell, licensee of station W6WBJ, Diamond Springs, California, of his Apparent Liability in the amount of $25,000 for intentionally causing interference to other amateur radio operators and transmitting prohibited communication.

    Action by: District Director, San Francisco Office, Western Region, Enforcement Bureau.

    Adopted: 12/17/2015 by NALF. (DA No. 15-1438).
    AF5P, KK5R and K7PP like this.
  2. N2RRA

    N2RRA Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's about time!! Get them all especially the trash out of Michigan and Ohio that's notorious for making 14.273 and now 14.313 a haven for retards.

    Time too clean up and clean them dry right down to the bone right through their hands and pockets.
    K3RW, W4KVW, KK5R and 2 others like this.
  3. W8QZ

    W8QZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    The FCC actually did something related to ham radio? That's news, in and of itself. I didn't think they cared anymore.
    N7CPM, W7TYN, W4KVW and 1 other person like this.
  4. KC9ZHR

    KC9ZHR Ham Member QRZ Page

    then they also need to confiscate their equipment and donate it to school clubs, boy scouts, etc.
    K3TEF, KM4HXV, KD4JVG and 7 others like this.
  5. W6RAD

    W6RAD Ham Member QRZ Page

    We're throwing a party........... YEE HAA
    W8OTR likes this.
  6. NU4R

    NU4R XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sure hope "Chippie" eventually comes along and better defines whether or not this "offender" is guilty of breaking the law!
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2015
    KB3JAE likes this.
  7. N6JRZ

    N6JRZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Now they need to get here locally and capture the jammer we've been dealing with for well over a year now. Great job FCC and all involved in getting this asshat off the air. We of the Noon Time Net and RV Net really applaud the effort in the capture of this guy!!!
    W7AE, WA3PTY, W6POC and 3 others like this.
  8. NH6RF

    NH6RF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    This Bozo hasn't had a license for years according to the FCC website. And there is previous litigation about the same type of activity. Unfortunetly there are many more out there who for whatever warped reasoning find it necessary to interfer with communications.
    K0MT, K6SSA and KK5R like this.
  9. KK7VY

    KK7VY Ham Member QRZ Page

    The FCC only seems to enforce malicious and serious violations on the amateur bands and even then only when there are numerous complaints about a particular station. Now they really need to spin the dial from 3.600 to 4.000 late at night and clean house there, too. 75 meters at night would make some CB'ers raise an eyebrow.
  10. KC4YLV

    KC4YLV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Really just 3830-3846. That's where I hear the bulk of the scum.

    That 16khz slice is why I do not even consider operating on 75m.
  11. KK7HO/SK2022

    KK7HO/SK2022 Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thank you Mr Walden, Mr. Hartshorne, Ms, Smith and Ms. Lancaster...
    K6SSA, KK5R and WB6CGJ like this.
  12. NK7Z

    NK7Z Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you FCC!
    K7PP likes this.
  13. N6JRZ

    N6JRZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    They also need to get the guys on 7.255 They are on there every single day dropping "F" bombs and playing music and just cussing up a storm. We hear them all the way down to 7.248 at time and as far up as 7.602. One particular station is that wide...
  14. WA7PRC

    WA7PRC Ham Member QRZ Page

    W6WBJ ("World's Biggest Jammer") has been at it for MANY years, and not just on 3908 KHz.
    W7AE likes this.
  15. W2NAP

    W2NAP Ham Member QRZ Page

    "F bombs" and "cussing up a storm" isn't illegal. playing music is.
    W8OTR and N6POP like this.
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