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W6NUT Repeater Slapped With Restrictions

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by Guest, Nov 26, 2001.

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  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    An anonymous LA Area ham writes:

    I am sure that most Radio Amateurs who read about FCC enforcement issues or articles appearing in some of the radio magazines might be familiar with the W6NUT repeater, located in the Los Angeles area.
    Apparently, the much publicized repeater has seen some FCC
    action however it remains on the air at this time, with restrictions.

    Note from the QRZ Editor:
    An earlier version of this article indicated that the
    repeater had been shut down by the FCC. New reports indicate
    that this is not the case. The repeater has had an
    administrative restriction
    placed on it by the FCC whereby it may not be operated

    This means that a licensed control operator must continuously
    monitor the repeater whenever it is on the air. Despite
    the article's inaccuracies on that point, the repeater and its operation remain a place where anything goes: foul language, music,
    intentional interference, everything. Its users openly scoff
    at the FCC. If anything, it remains an open cesspool
    that casts a pall upon the good name of our hobby. -fred

    FCC watch dog and chief Amateur enforcement official, Riley Hollingsworth has lowered the boom on Roy Tucker, the trustee or owner of the repeater. I am sure that this writing is old news to many, but to those who do not live in the Los Angeles area, you cannot imagine the absolute thrill of having this repeater shut down. The repeater and it's users represent the worst that can happen in ANY repeater system.

    Imagine if you will, introducing a young person to the hobby of Ham Radio. With pride, you show that person your HT and how it can scan through the band. With amazement and wonder, that person is intrigued with that neat device of communication. All of a sudden, the scan stops on 147.435 and out of the speaker issues forth the filthiest ramblings that would make a sailor blush. You quickly turn the radio off and explain to the bewildered youngster, that what he just heard was just an exception and does not occur very often. How do you go about explaining this to a 7 year old kid? "Gee mister, how come they talk like that?"

    Evidently, the users of that system feel that it is their soveriegn right to pursue the freedom of speech which this country stands for, and that includes breaking every rule that makes this hobby available to us. That they do not have to be accountable for the behavior that occupies every moment that they are on the air. It has taken over 2 years and countless letters to the FCC to get this taken care of, and still it goes on...on SIMPLEX! [The enforcement] should not stop there at the repeater should continue all the way down to the user level.
    Confiscate the equipment, fines and jail time.

    Sweeping reform requires sweeping diligence, and not just by the FCC. It takes the efforts of all Amateurs. We have an obligation to uphold the finest values in which Amateur Radio has stood for generations, and I urge all who read this, that your participation counts. Do your part...write to your Congress person, the Governor, the FCC, even the President. With enough support from all of us, maybe the FCC can have back the enforcement strength that it used to and give it the resources to battle these undesirables. Maybe some day that 7 year old kid will forget what he heard. I know I won't.

    Thank you...

    Anonymous Extra Class Licensee From Los Angeles
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