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w6ccp SK?

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by NE2X, Dec 7, 2016.

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  1. NE2X

    NE2X Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is this true about Seymour?
    9M6GOH likes this.
  2. WR2E

    WR2E XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  3. NE2X

    NE2X Ham Member QRZ Page

    So sad, the Hobby lost a good person and a Great Ham.....RIP Seymour
    W7UJ likes this.
  4. WA6AM

    WA6AM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very sad news. I learned a lot from him just by listening. RIP OM.
  5. VK4SP

    VK4SP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Thanks for the many QSO Seymour 73 de Dave
  6. VA7LTX

    VA7LTX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I echo your words Vito !! Seymour was my wife's 1st radio contact as an amateur. This is a Huge Loss !!
    We will Miss You Seymour; Lawrence and Jeanette (VA7LTX & VA7JTX)
  7. 9M2TPT

    9M2TPT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Will surely miss his regular voice on air too. One of the few US contacts I had was with him.
  8. NZ5F

    NZ5F Ham Member QRZ Page

    I will miss his voice in the mornings on 20m. RIP Seymour!
  9. W0PV

    W0PV Ham Member QRZ Page

    I never had the pleasure of meeting Seymour in person but characters like him became on-the-air icons for me. He was a classic DX rag-chewer with a big signal and a commanding yet friendly tone that was a defining landmark on 20 meters.

    Recollecting, it's hard to not lapse into a parody of him "...calling "CQ via the long path..."! "W6 Charlie Charlie Papa" will be missed.

    Fortunately there is quite a rich collection of recordings of his QSO's by hams and even SWL's on YouTube. This is one of my favorites,

    73 de John WØPV
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2016
    VA7LTX and VE3TMT like this.
  10. WA6MHZ

    WA6MHZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Seymour was especially helpful to me. He helped me get my ZD9 QSO! The ZD9 was very poor copy at my house, but excellent with Seymour and his magnificent antenna! So Seymour helped me work him for a ATNO!!! I would NEVER had made the contact without the very HELPFUL and Caring from Seymour!!!
    NZ5F and VA7LTX like this.
  11. VE3TMT

    VE3TMT Ham Member QRZ Page

    His booming signal will be missed. Many many times I heard no other station on 20m except Seymour working long path!

    RIP OM.
  12. MI0AIH

    MI0AIH XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I was very saddened to learn the passing of Seymour W6CCP .He was the voice of America ,his knowledge and respect for other operators was supreme.His signals were awesome coupled with the tone of voice made him one of the All time greats, a master of the hobby which we have lost.To his family and friends I send my sincere condolences America has lost another great son .The hobby was blessed with his presence .R.I.P. Seymour best 73`s
    K8EF likes this.
  13. VE6WDE

    VE6WDE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Rest in Peace Seymour you will be greatly missed in the Ham World!
  14. K2HAT

    K2HAT Premium Subscriber Volunteer Moderator Volunteer DX Helper QRZ Page

    Dr. Seymour Lesonsky, W6CCP Memorial Page

    A personal campaign sponsored by Rick Spiegel


    Dear Ham Radio Friends,

    Thank you for visiting the Dr. Seymour, W6CCP fundraising page. Please join me to support the lifesaving mission of Doctors Without Borders IN HIS HONOR!

    Seymour Lesonsky, MD, age 86, passed away on Tuesday, December 6, 2016 at Sunny Rose Glen in Menifee, CA. He was born on November 13, 1930 in Brooklyn, NY.

    Dr. Lesonsky “Doc” practiced medicine in Anaheim, Rancho Mirage/Palm Desert, and Anza, CA during his 58-year career. Doc had many diverse interests and hobbies from fishing, amateur (ham) radio, farming (including pigs, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, and pumpkins, etc.), classical music, piano, and most recently solar technology.

    In 1977, Seymour moved his family to Anza where he enjoyed an unprecedented reputation as one of the strongest ham radio signals in the world. Everyone knew Whiskey Six CHARLIE CHARLIE PAPPA.....

    Funeral and burial services were held on Friday, December 9, 2016, at Mount Sinai, Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles CA. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Dr. Lesonsky’s name to or via this page.

    Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an independent international medical humanitarian organization that provides aid to people in some 60 countries whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from health care, or natural disasters.

    I'm raising funds and awareness to support its response to emergencies around the world. Your donation will be put to work immediately to deliver urgent medical care including treatment for malnutrition, emergency surgery, and lifesaving vaccinations for people around the world.

    Thank you for your support and for getting involved. Every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated (and Tax deductible!)! You can learn more about its work by visiting

    Paula Lesonsky-Snyder


  15. W5APL

    W5APL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I started out with a YAESU FRG-7 and heard Seymour W6CCP on 20 meters at 14.200 in the morning here in Arlington, Texas. I wrote to him in April 2015 and he send me his qsl card. He will be missed by many ham's around the world. 14.200 will never be the same without you. 73, Albert Little N5APL

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