That's an antenna switch in the background! We got off to a little bit of a rocky start as Lee was delayed and I was a little nervous not knowing where the show would go. A big shout out to KG5AHJ, W9FFF and KD8VRX/VA2VRX for coming to rescue the day. Lee did show up and gave us an amazing discussion on parts of the museum that I had pictures of and we had a short Q&A with the audience at the end of the show. Also a special Shoutout to M7CPT for delaying his video to give us some extra time for Lee. Be sure to check this one out. If you're interested in a HAM SPECIFIC group tour of the museum, join TOADs discord here: and let's get it setup in the #Nuggets room Thanks and 73s Steve, KM9G
Good overview, everyone should see it. VOA antenna info Clyde Haehnle, developed the specifications for the Voice of America antenna system at the Bethany (Ohio) Relay Station that Rhombic was 90% efficient by re-phasing the power instead of heating up termination resistors. More info 73 from, The K0UO " Rhombic Antenna Farm" 2 miles of wire in the Air & On the daily
Shame on Lee for getting delayed throwing all of hamTV into a broadcast frenzy. HamTV, All Ham All the time. It's the QVC of Youtube. (All typed in a special sarcasm font that is not installed on many devices and most people won't recognize it). Rule number 12 of broadcasting...don't besmirch the guest.
I am listener of the VOA since 1974. It was very terrible Soviet Union time. VOA and Radio Liberty, - just 2 broadcasting radios in Georgian language which we excepted everyday. Thank you to VOA again Mamuka, 4L2M
It was great to see Lee and Jo It was nice to see Lee and Jocelyn in this vlog, I was a member of the WC8VOA for a while before I moved to the Crystal River FL area. and yes the museum is a fantastic place to visit. an as a bonus you can get to know some really great guys from the club. Thanks for a great video report. 73 Vic KE8JWE
I got my start in Ham radio from listening to VOA on the shortwave in my French Class room. I really miss Radio Canada International on the air.
The antenna at ~12:00 is called a Sterba Curtain. It provides a highly directional fixed pattern. Was used to beam broadcasts to specific areas of the globe.
Interesting ... Does anyone have any contacts that can lead to RADIO MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL (closed 1993), PROGRAM sound ARCHIVES. I had the science desk there, reply on their S.W. Science program, to a letter I sent 5 or 6 months before Chernobyl, in which I voiced my concerns re the high-likelihood of a major reactor accident in the U.S.S.R. So, that's just yesterday, high-summer 1985. They sent me a letter to my French QTH alerting me to the time of the transmission but I missed it. My life was chaotic at best in those days. Apparently a RM Int'l QSL-card.
there is a old VOA site in Delano Ca that has been given to the local town and no one knows what to due with it , someone should turn that into a air B&B for hams...