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UN DX Contest

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by UN7PBY, May 21, 2009.

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  1. UN7PBY

    UN7PBY Ham Member QRZ Page

    The Kazakhstan Federation of Radiosport and Radioamateur welcomes all ham radio amateurs in all parts of the world to take participation in first UN DX Contest. Rules on english avaiable here:
    Programs which support contest:
    73! See you in contest
  2. UN8CC

    UN8CC Ham Member QRZ Page

  3. MM0DFV

    MM0DFV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Contest Date

    Dear OMs!

    Before you settle the date and time for your new contest you should contact other contest organizers or to check carefully WW contest calendar. Your date and time overlaps with very well established 7 years running EU PSK DX Contest. Even your modes SSB and CW will make a lot of QRM for narrow data mode parts on the bands. We would suggest you to change your date, otherwise we will contact IARU and other contest communities to take some official actions.

    73 de MM0DFV
    Jurij Phunkner

    Chairman of the EPC Committee
    RSGB, ARRL, and SRR Member
    P.O. Box 7469, Glasgow, G42 0YD, Scotland, United Kingdom
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