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uBITX Manager – A GUI Tool for the hackable uBITX

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by VU3HZW, Mar 10, 2023.

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  1. VU3HZW

    VU3HZW Ham Member QRZ Page

    The original firmware offered by HF Signals for thr uBITX was quite basic, and the idea was always for other hobbyists to take the lead in expanding it. Dr. Ian Lee (KD8CEC) developed an enhanced version of the firmware for Farhan’s most popular radio! Now this was 3.5 years back!

    Unfortunately, and unlike all the rest of the KD8CEC family of software, the source code to the uBITX Memory manager was never released nor was it natively ported to platforms other than Windows. The last release of the tool (V1.110) happened around 3.5 years back.

    This firmware provides improved graphical user interfaces based on Nextion touchscreens and more features than the original firmware. However, the enhanced functionality of the KD8CEC software is of limited value without a tool to easily customize it to the user’s requirements. For instance, setting the CW keyer speed through the GUI is feasible, but modifying other parameters like automated keyer messages, using the uBITX as a WSPR beacon, or informing your external linear amplifier of the band you’re sending on is not practical at the radio itself. Therefore, a tool is necessary to tailor the uBITX’s settings to meet your needs.


    Now that’s that’s exactly where AJ6CU – Mark Hatch comes in. Mark is able to reverse engineer & fix the bugs from the original uBITX Manager and the best part is – We now have a fully open source cross platform GUI tool to easily manage all the intricacies of this world’s most popular hackable radio.

    uBITX Memory Manager provides the means to manage the system parameters that the KD8CEC software maintains in EEPROM ( that’s the Arduino Nano Chip). As of the now, this project hopes to make this tool work with other microcontrollers and not just stick with the Nano.

    Mark’s uBITX Memory Manager also provides the critical ability to backup and restore the contents of the EEPROM.

    Here’s the links you need to get this started.

    Happy Modding!

    W1AEK, N5TTI, DG7JH and 11 others like this.
  2. KD5W

    KD5W XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Looks like it's time to get the uBitx back out!
    NC8R, K1QS and K2CAJ like this.
  3. K7LZR

    K7LZR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Would be a great radio if only it didn't have that silly touchscreen.....
  4. NC8R

    NC8R Ham Member QRZ Page

    Glad to see this available for Linux now!
    HB9EPC, KN4FTT, KR3DX and 1 other person like this.
  5. AJ6CU

    AJ6CU Ham Member QRZ Page

    Did some renaming of repositories on github and the link above no longer works The correct new link is:

    I have also expanded the system info section in beta 2. Unfortunately, to get access to this new info, you need to have made one of my boards with an i2c eeprom:

    and be running KD8CEC V2 (beta) requiring build from the repository:

    Hopefully by summer this will be all straighten out and it will be easier to get this combo. But here is a tease of this additional functionality:

    (grayed out means definitions in the config file but they are not operational in the current build config.)

  6. W1AEK

    W1AEK QRZ Lifetime Member #228 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Thank you Mr. Hatch! Can't wait to dig in this. My build has an issue where LSB and USB are reversed in the filters and I really want to straighten that out. I was hopeful that the KD8CDC Software build would solve it, but "no"... this may be a hardware issue. I need to look hard at the PC Board and follow the print. May something in the crystal filter got reversed during board loading.

    Thanks again to Mark Hatch!

    Chuck W1AEK

    QUOTE="VU3HZW, post: 6480445, member: 1034484"]The original firmware offered by HF Signals for thr uBITX was quite basic, and the idea was always for other hobbyists to take the lead in expanding it. Dr. Ian Lee (KD8CEC) developed an enhanced version of the firmware for Farhan’s most popular radio! Now this was 3.5 years back!

    Unfortunately, and unlike all the rest of the KD8CEC family of software, the source code to the uBITX Memory manager was never released nor was it natively ported to platforms other than Windows. The last release of the tool (V1.110) happened around 3.5 years back.

    This firmware provides improved graphical user interfaces based on Nextion touchscreens and more features than the original firmware. However, the enhanced functionality of the KD8CEC software is of limited value without a tool to easily customize it to the user’s requirements. For instance, setting the CW keyer speed through the GUI is feasible, but modifying other parameters like automated keyer messages, using the uBITX as a WSPR beacon, or informing your external linear amplifier of the band you’re sending on is not practical at the radio itself. Therefore, a tool is necessary to tailor the uBITX’s settings to meet your needs.


    Now that’s that’s exactly where AJ6CU – Mark Hatch comes in. Mark is able to reverse engineer & fix the bugs from the original uBITX Manager and the best part is – We now have a fully open source cross platform GUI tool to easily manage all the intricacies of this world’s most popular hackable radio.

    uBITX Memory Manager provides the means to manage the system parameters that the KD8CEC software maintains in EEPROM ( that’s the Arduino Nano Chip). As of the now, this project hopes to make this tool work with other microcontrollers and not just stick with the Nano.

    Mark’s uBITX Memory Manager also provides the critical ability to backup and restore the contents of the EEPROM.

    Here’s the links you need to get this started.

    Happy Modding!


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