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Tri-County Amateur Radio Club HamFest 2024 - Jefferson, WI - March 17th 8AM

Discussion in 'Hamfest and Convention Calendar' started by AE9MZ, Feb 29, 2024.

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  1. AE9MZ

    AE9MZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Fest Flyer:
    Vendor Setup
    : 6:30 AM
    Doors Open: 8 AM
    Tickets: $8 in advance (online or SASE mail-in); $10 at the door
    Tables: $15 in advance, $25 at the door
    Food?: Yes!!!
    Testing?: Yes!!!
    Order Online at

    The Tri-County Amateur Radio Club invites you to HamFest 2024 in the Activity Center building at the Jefferson County Fair Park, 503 N Jackson Street, in Jefferson, WI, on Sunday, March 17, 2024. We're centrally located in Jefferson County, WI, 30 minutes east of Madison along the beltline, or 45 minutes west of Milwaukee, just off Hwy 26, south of I-94. The event is 100% indoors, so come enjoy the Fest regardless of the weather Wisconsin may throw at us!! Vendor setup will start at 6:30 AM with the doors opening to to the public at 8 AM. On-air talk-in will be available on the club's 2-meter repeater: W9MQB @ 145.49, negative offset, with CTCSS 123.0. Check the website for detailed maps and directions to the event.

    FOOD: Foodies, we are VERY happy to announce the kitchen will be open for breakfast starting at 8 AM! Maria's Restaurant will be offering coffee, soda ("pop" for those of you south of the stateline), and a variety of fresh-cooked breakfast options including breakfast burritos and omelets.

    MAIL DEADLINE: The March 5th snail mail deadline is coming up fast, but you still have time to drop a self-addressed stamped envelope in the mail, with the form above for your tickets or tables. Vendor spots are still available in advance for $15 per 8’ table. We'll pick them for you if you mail it in, or choose your own tables and save 20% and time waiting in line when you buy your advance tickets online for only $8 at At the door, tickets will cost $10 and any remaining tables will go for $25, so online ordering is s great deal.

    TESTING: Rick Kardos (N9RK) and Team RK will manage our ARRL Volunteer Examiner testing room, with testing starting at 9:30 AM. Reservations are REQUIRED to take an exam. Please email us your FRN and info at by Friday, March 15th to schedule your time.

    DRAWINGS: As always, we want this to be a real celebration of Ham Radio, so we're giving away hundreds of dollars of door prizes, with prizes every hour. Your online ticket automatically enters you into the drawings, but you must be present to win. If you purchase tickets at the Fest, please take your ticket to Table 93 to enter for a chance to win a Yaesu dual-band Fusion HT, radios, books, antennas, gift certificates, and more!

    Questions? Check the website at or email us at for answers to any questions!

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