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TM1USA L'HERMIONE Lafayette Lunenburg 18/19/ 07 The last travel expédition U S A

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by F5PTA, Jul 15, 2015.

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  1. F5PTA

    F5PTA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hello everyone;
    Today the frigate Hermione is currently at the port of Castine . The moorings will be dropped tomorrow on Cape Lunenburg NE. Last Post transmissions last call under the TM 1 USA . Special activation for the weekend on 18 and 19 July 2015 . This is really the end of the adventure from American Yorktown. Many memories and contacts. Except that the spread to swing overboard , hi .
    This is only a goodbye that
    God bless America.
    Good luck to all , and good traffic
    greetings to all hams
    s.w.l and families.
    Philippe radio operator NS_NB_PEI.jpg
    News infos

    CASTINE — With cannons firing, a French flag flying and an enraptured audience on shore, the Hermione made its way into Castine this afternoon, accompanied by many other vessels.

    The boat’s a replica of the frigate that came to Boston during the Revolutionary War with news that the French would assist the young U.S. army.

    More than 200 feet long, it made for a dramatic site,entering the Castine Harbor just as the sun was breaking through a layer of gray fog. Soon, it and other accompanying ships were firing cannons, and smoke was drifting towards shore.

    Eventually the blue-and-gold ship pulled up to the town dock. In front of a large crowd, the mostly French-speaking crew disembarked. A parade down Main Street soon followed.

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