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There's a new portable logger in town!

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by LB0FI, Mar 11, 2024.

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  1. AJ2I

    AJ2I XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I use Hamlog on my phone, works for me.
  2. NN0TE

    NN0TE Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Any idea when the app (Ham2K) will be completed?
    F4FFD likes this.
  3. M0LZN

    M0LZN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I believe there is plans for a windows and mac version, but the portable one is the only one currently.

    You could put bluestacks on a PC and fire up the android version.
  4. M0LZN

    M0LZN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Its in an open beta at the moment, so you can sign up and try it. Not sure of the final release date.
  5. AE0Z

    AE0Z Ham Member QRZ Page

    Looks like it's iPhone only. Perhaps the developer will port it once it's out of beta.
    M0LZN likes this.
  6. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hard pass. No PCs for my POTA activations. Mac - only. If there is an iOS version, that might be able to run on a Mac, but wouldn't be optimum. We'll see. For now? HAMRS. :)
    AB1BL likes this.
  7. M0LZN

    M0LZN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    It’s android and iOS
  8. K5LXP

    K5LXP Ham Member QRZ Page

    The cross platform ability of HAMRS is the ticket. I have it loaded on an old lightweight chromebook running linux that can run a good 10 hours on a battery. One activation trying to log with a phone or even a tablet with a screen keyboard will have you running back to a laptop. The lightweight chromebook is lighter and runs longer than my android tablet so check the box with linux and HAMRS.

    Mark K5LXP
    Albuquerque, NM
  9. M0KZO

    M0KZO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    CloudLogOffline is great, and free. Integrates with CloudLog if you have it on your webserver. Just thought I'd add this :) Android / IOS. Webserver app is PHP, also free. Works great for me.
  10. W2MGF

    W2MGF Ham Member QRZ Page

    I cant find the app
  11. M0LZN

    M0LZN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

  12. AE0Z

    AE0Z Ham Member QRZ Page

    I was able to find the Android version and played around with it. It is well designed and easy to use. One limitation that was obvious to me: great for logging in real time but really clumsy for entering from a paper log a few days old.
  13. W8TJM

    W8TJM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Have tried a lot of logging programs in the past, but once I loaded RUMLogNG, I never looked back.
  14. HB9HIL

    HB9HIL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

  15. W9AFB

    W9AFB Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have been using this program for the last month. Really like it! Thanks to the developers.
    HB9HIL likes this.

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