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The Ham Radio Operator Behind VoIP and FCC's Pulver Order WA2BOT

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Dec 5, 2022.

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  1. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Jeff Pulver agreed to talk to me about his experience operating K1TTT's remote super station in the 2022 ARRL SSB Sweepstakes. Not only did I get insight into ham radio contesting, and the Sweepstakes specifically, but I also heard a fascinating story about how ham radio opened up an amazing, unimaginable, world of success for Jeff. Watch the interview to hear exactly how a 9-year old’s fascination with amateur radio led to contesting which led to contesting software development and eventually put Jeff Pulver on the cutting edge of VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) technology and the regulatory decisions that created a new industry. If there ever was a story about how ham radio can contribute positively to a career path, this is it.

    VA7OTC, N7UJ, KF5VDX and 14 others like this.
  2. K4VL

    K4VL Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you Jeff for the work you have done.
    KM4OOD, KG4BFR, W1DED and 2 others like this.
  3. KC7JNJ

    KC7JNJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I enjoyed this interview.
    KG4BFR, W1DED and WA2BOT like this.
  4. W6FRD

    W6FRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I haven’t listened to Jeff’s interview maybe I should IDK W6FRD.
    KG4BFR likes this.
  5. WA2BOT

    WA2BOT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for watching!
    KG4BFR likes this.
  6. WA2BOT

    WA2BOT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    You are welcome! 73s Jeff
    KG4BFR likes this.
  7. OK2ITY

    OK2ITY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very good. I am glad we have more HAMs that use their knowledge!! I work on 802.11 Wireless technology in Ent/Gov and could not agree more with some statements - I had to learn it the hard way on 13 and 6cm :)
    KG4BFR, WA2BOT and W1DED like this.
  8. W2JDB

    W2JDB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Watched some of the interview, but was much more impressed by the Wikpedia write up.
    KG4BFR and K0DUC like this.
  9. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi Sam, Thanks for watching some of the interview. Since I'd asked Jeff to talk about contesting, I felt obliged to have him talk about that first. The latter part of the interview gets into more of the info on the Wiki page. The topic definitely requires more time. Thanks again for your input.
    KG4BFR and WA2BOT like this.
  10. W2JDB

    W2JDB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I guess I will have to go back to the interview and fast forward a bit. His time at Cantor and the mention of his forced ouster prior to 9/11 was a grim reminder of that fateful day.
    WA2BOT and KG4BFR like this.
  11. K9NUD

    K9NUD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Fascinating stuff. I've been an early adopter of VoIP and currently provide services. It's awesome that Hams were (are) at the cutting edge of so many ubiquitous technologies!
    WA2BOT, KG4BFR, W0PV and 1 other person like this.
  12. AJ6VY

    AJ6VY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I remember Free World Dial Up back in the day. Must have been the early 90s. Definitely a pioneer.
    KF5RRF, WA2BOT, KG4BFR and 1 other person like this.
  13. F5VHJ

    F5VHJ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Enjoyed the interview and also reading the article.
    Good explanation of the history of Sweepstakes and also operating in it.
    Also, a very positive outlook was refreshing concerning ham radio and life in general.
    WA2BOT and W1DED like this.
  14. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for watching! Jeff's positivity is contagious. And, I also learned a lot about the history of the ARRL Sweepstakes.
    WA2BOT likes this.
  15. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    And, I'm old enough to remember it VERY well. Many of my younger ham friends can only read this stuff and scratch their heads!
    WA2BOT likes this.

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