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The Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO Party

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AE2EA, Nov 2, 2023.

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  1. VE7VXO

    VE7VXO Ham Member QRZ Page

    The way they wrote the regs in canuckistan is open to broad interpretation...but they are the ones who get to interpret the meaning! Crystal controlled rigs generally don't chirp, well except perhaps for some poorly designed VXO rigs. (By that I don't mean ones ve7vxo has built) I suppose it wouldn't be too hard to give crystal control to a MOPA type open breadboard rig built in 1929 style. What would be cool would be to build one into my Pietenpol which was also a 1929 design.
  2. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Brought back nostalgic memories of my old HF radio in late 1980s with 3 x 807 tubes with about 120 Watts of DC input, though not as antique as the one shown!
  3. WD4IGX

    WD4IGX Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page


    My first rig, an Argonaut 509, drifted a bit. Some Argonauts did (mine did) and some didn't (my buddy's didn't.) It wasn't BAD by any means, just required touching up the tuning a tad during a long QSO, maybe every ten minutes or so, but it sure wasn't equal to crystal stability.
    VU2JO likes this.
  4. W4RJB

    W4RJB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    What type of antenna do most people use for the Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO party? Is there a contest antenna restriction?

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