Propagation was outstanding during the second weekend in February 2024 and, by all accounts, the ARRL DX CW contest was one for the record books. Dan Craig N6MJ was operating SOAB HP from the ND7K superstation, Randy Thompson K5ZD was also competing in the SOAB HP category from his impressive station in Massachusetts, and Chris Hurlbut KL9A was on the 15 meter desk at perennial Multi-Multi winner K3LR. Per usual, the Contest Crew weighs in with insight about the weekend and what they encountered on the bands. The conversation is full of contesting tips and their trademark interpersonal competitiveness and banter. Join me for Episode #04 of the Contest Crew and don't forget to send me questions and topics for future shows with the Crew.
Conditions were EXCELLENT, top to bottom. From the west coast, 20 meters QRP to Europe - northers, western, southern, and eastern - was sustained for hours and hours. The best conditions I have ever seen for an ARRL DX CW. Remember this experience when, in five years, we are bellyaching about "how lousy the bands are today," and realize that it's "just a phase." Scott N7JI CN84 Oregon
I operated the contest with my grandpa, W9SN. The multi-op low power consisted of me, W9SN, and Mike: W9RNY. He thinks we won the Multi-op Low Power category, at 6,300,000 points, judging by the 3830 scores. And you're right, the conditions were AMAZING! We were running Japan all through the night and on 40m we ran Europe. At 2:00 AM (1:00 UTC) Europe was still booming in at 20+S9 on 20m and 15m!! Never seen anything like it! -Jacob, KA4JAM
Conditions were amazing...and I was ALL SET TO GO! Somehow...I ended up at the Magic Kingdom at Walt Dizzy World all weekend with the grandkids I musta blacked out or something. Kinda like the 1970s. Everything is still a blur
Absolutely! The Best contest conditions Ive ever seen. Even with all-wire antennas I chugged along to 1261Q's and 1.27m points in 25 hrs OTA.. Never did that well before. I operate as a function of "rate." When it slows, I start feeling the aches and pains, and lose interest. But this year I couldnt make a bad move. EVERY band change led to wealth of loud signals. Time flew! 160m had Euros all ovr the place , so I could even run for 90 mins or so before Euro SR. My best antenna was a home breww Moxon for 10, at 22'. Good for 161 JAs. 4 BY's. 20m delivered 9N1AA Fri night, and a Thailand station Sunday around 3pm. 40 m brought in back to back to back: ZD7, CB0, 3D2. It was like the whole world was in my radio. IMO, the 2024 ARRLWWDX-CW test was without a doubt, the best ever for W3HKK, and that goes back to 1956. Great discussion. Loved every minute of it! Bob
Awesome discussion! And certainly was the best DX Contest I ever participated in. W3HKK ( since 1956) I set my personal all-time best score of 1261 Q's. 1.266m points ( with my all-wire antenna farm) in the SOUAB HP category despite losing my spotting capability about four hours into the contest. So I was mostly S&P and about 30% run. Must have missed quite a few mults not being able to see the band. But it was still a personal record! And just wonderful cndx on every band. ! Would have been a great time to go SB on 160 or 10m! Bob W3HKK
I worked the contest with low power and a single low multiband dipole. I heard and worked a few European stations running QRP. Conditions were good down to 80 meters- worked quite a few multipliers on 40 and 80 the last hour of the contest. I ran mostly 10 watts or so and increased power when needed to about 90 watts if I really wanted the multiplier. Stations usually answered me with the first call. Nice to see the inclusion of the limited antenna overlay. Wonder if this is actually a new contest category or just a designation.
I count 17 Japanese stations in the log. They were strong, easy to copy. I got most of these within the first couple of hours- the next day one would come on and the pile up was impressive- almost like they never heard a J call before..
Yes a Great weekend for the contest no million points here, but worked and confirmed some new one's for 10 meter DXCC and got to try out the new MFJ 1792 vertical and also bagged a couple new one's on 80 meters.
The last few hours of the contest was amazing. I was able to work VK/JA/KH6/E2A and all of EU, AF with ease on 10 - 40 meters using 100 W and wires.
Judging from the people on 3830 claiming limited antenna with a "tribander and wires," it better not be a category unless they're prepared to start policing it. Lots of creative interpretations of the "single radiator" rule to say the least.
The interview...great fun. @80 yrs young,, 48 hrs is really challenging but i do love to give out a few Q's. Good luck everyone in the CQ WPX. de W6KGP - Wilson, WY