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Team ND7K Arizona Superstation: Tim N6WIN

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, May 31, 2024.

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  1. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Tim Coker N6WIN grew up in a ham radio family—his father, mother, and brother were all hams. Tim himself became a licensed amateur radio operator at the age of 11. Starting from these modest beginnings, Tim's ham radio operating soon turned toward competitive contesting. This path eventually led him to design and build the ND7K superstation in Arizona, along with his friend and world-class contester, Dan Craig N6MJ.

    The effort has truly been a team approach from the earliest days, as Tim wisely reached out to hams with specific areas of expertise. Tim's teamwork philosophy extended to his multi-operator efforts, always aiming to win. His high expectations and leadership abilities continue to make a significant impact at ND7K.

    As a further example of Tim’s teamwork approach, he’s turned the keys to ND7K over to Dan N6MJ for all the major 2024 contests to support Dan’s quest to qualify for the World Radiosport Team Championship 2026.

    Join me in this conversation with Tim Coker N6WIN for a look into the mind of an effective station builder and team leader.

    JK1WPS and AL2F like this.
  2. K7JQ

    K7JQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I always enjoy Kevin's "contest crew" videos, and this one is no exception.

    Tim's dedication to contesting and his drive/insight to keep improving has gained ND7K world recognition in a relatively short period of time. What that station and its operators achieve from a propagation-challenged (as compared to the east coast) Arizona location is nothing short of amazing.

    As a fellow member of the Arizona Outlaws Contest Club, I'm honored to have Tim and a world-class operator like Dan N6MJ in our fold.

    73, Bob K7JQ

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