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TC3EC on TRAC Izmir Hamradio Festival - 2024

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by TA3NEM, Apr 24, 2024.

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  1. TA3NEM

    TA3NEM Ham Member QRZ Page

    On Saturday, April 20, TA3NT, TB3PAV, TA3AWB, TA3EFE, TA3VIP, TA3RST, TA3NEM, TA3BTU and Alperen, members of the TC3EC Contest Team, participated in the April 18 World Amateur Radio Operators Day event hosted by TRAC Izmir Branch.

    We made Dual Band (2M/70 CM VHF-UHF) Yagi Uda antennas together with the participants at our stand. We made measurements of the antennas we made with NanoVNA. We repeated the basic electricity and electronics topics and observed them on the oscilloscope.
    We exhibited our work on LoRa Meshtastic and AREDN, and explained our field tests to other associations and fellow operators.

    We would like to thank TRAC Izmir Branch President TA3NE, Vice President TB3HBA, board members TA3XYZ, TA3CYN, TA3KHD, responsible operator YM3KC/TA3GL and all other valuable members of the TRAC Izmir branch, whose call sign I cannot count, for this magnificent event organized on behalf of amateur radio, and TA3TNC and Eren gentlemen, who signed a very successful stage work that I cannot pass without mentioning. They also worked with the call sign TC3WRD for this special day.

    And finally, greetings to all the teams, associations and institutions that participated in the event like us, all our amateur radio operator friends and all our guests who did not leave us alone on this special day, 73!

    Photos & Video
    TA3NT, TA3AWB and TA4RC like this.
  2. TA4RC

    TA4RC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I congratulate the new president of Izmir TRAC, TA3NE Hüsamettin AKSÖĞÜT, and his colleagues/team for bringing radio amateur friends together.
    Yes, it was a nice day with many participants.
    It was very exciting to meet face to face with my amateur friends, whose voices I have heard and talked to for years.
    I also came from another city (Kütahya).
    I was also there.
    I would like to thank all my radio amateur friends and colleagues who participated in such a beautiful and crowded event.
    The next meeting will be a like field day organized by İZMİR/Bergama branch between 18-19 May 2024....Greetings.

    Attached Files:

    TA3NT, TA3AWB and TA3NEM like this.
  3. TA3AWB

    TA3AWB Ham Member QRZ Page

    It was a nice event for the Turkish Amateur Radio community. It will be good for the amateur radio community if it continues to grow every year.
    TA3NEM likes this.

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