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Tank Radio POTA Pack Update 2

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KG5AHJ, Nov 24, 2022.

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  1. KQ1V

    KQ1V Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    ...more like LARPing for dessert! :D
    KE0GXN, WC6Q and VE7KPM like this.
  2. KE0GXN

    KE0GXN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    What part of “very few” did you not understand?

    I have no idea who this Tech Prepper guy is you are alluding to, but if he did indeed serve, then obviously he is one of the “very few” I am was referring to in my past comment. :confused:

    Secondly whether you served or not is irrelevant, if your YT content sucks….it just sucks.

    Thirdly, In case you are wondering, I don’t judge Tubers or anyone for that matter based on whether they served or not. Unless you are a Vietnam vet or pre-Vietnam vet, choosing to serve one’s country or mankind in any capacity is a personal decision.

    You either serve or you don’t.

    Finally, I personally have no issue with the guy in question using a tank in his logo. If he wants identify with an armored tank then so be it. Whatever floats his boat I guess.

    Because at the end of the day, this is still a free country……because of a “very few”.

    So calm down OM, there was never any need for you defend what some ham Tuber out there chose their “click” channel name/logo to be.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2022
    K8NY, AE0Q and KQ1V like this.
  3. VE7KPM

    VE7KPM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Calm down fella; I wasn't disagreeing with anything you said. In fact, I agree 100%

    Punch The Tech Prepper in to your YouTube search bar and thank me for the Lulz later.
    DO1FER, KE0GXN and WC6Q like this.
  4. WC6Q

    WC6Q XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    No, Tech Prepper never served. Although he dresses like he did.
    KQ1V and KE0GXN like this.
  5. KE0GXN

    KE0GXN XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I suspect this is was meant for me, even though you quoted Cornelius over in Germany….

    Either way, right on then. I obviously misunderstood you. No harm no foul here.

    As far as the Prepper guy search, yeah I took your advice and peeped his channel….um, yeah Lulz and no thanks.

    I am not into the end of times, zombie apocalypses or being tacti-cool.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2022
    WC6Q and KQ1V like this.
  6. N1RBD

    N1RBD XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Depends on the park and who it is managed by. Numerous areas are free, where some require $25 entry or a yearly pass.

    The parks need to be as self-sustaining as they can. You don't think facilities maintenance, employees, trail maintenance, parking lot upkeep, etc are free do you?

    We pay $80/yr for an Interagency National Pass that includes facilities maintained by the NPS, ACOE, USFS, USDA, etc. Then another $110 or so for a state pars pass that includes three nights of camping (A $25-75/night value depending on the park).
  7. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    Here things are much different to yours. Other countries, other ways to manage these topic. In the following links you can see what is near by to me. The photos in the links where not done by myself. You can flip through the photos by using the arrows. And these are only examples. All places are free to visit for the public and there are much more.
  8. W7DGJ

    W7DGJ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Hi Frank, I just referred my readers to your YouTube channel. Your mention of that POTA table made me run out and buy one. Keep it up! Dave, "Trials and Errors -- Ham Life with an Amateur" only on
  9. VE7KFX

    VE7KFX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Shoot, I hate the days when nothing works the way you want. Good on you for going out and playing radio.
    W7ASA and W9EBE like this.
  10. KE8BIY

    KE8BIY Banned QRZ Page

    My Great Uncle enlisted in the US Army in the early '40's. They offered him a pay upgrade if he accepted the task of jumping out of airplanes. He was moved into the 82nd PIR. He was the last man on his stick to bail out of the burning plane on D-Day. He went on to partake in Operation Market Garden and the Battle of the Bulge.

    He was the kindest, sweetest man and was always smiling. It was hard to even fathom that he was a killer. He never bragged or even spoke of his involvement in WWII. The ONLY thing he ever said to me about it was "It was either shoot or be shot".

    PFC Alex Sollie is my hero.
    WN1MB likes this.
  11. K8NY

    K8NY Ham Member QRZ Page

    DO1FER Not meaning any offense but in this country the vastness of our local, state and federal park systems is mind boggling. Our federal park system alone is 85 million acres (343,982 km2 about the entire size of Germany) in 423 individual parks. That is just the Federal system, keeping in mind each state has their own state system as well as local entities (counties, cities and local jurisdictions with their systems). As the Dutch amateur mentioned, you in EU already pay in your large tax burden for your parks, which I would surmise do not equal the area of the parks in the US. With a system as large as ours it requires much manpower and money to maintain these parks. Also, I have visited many of our Western parks and while visiting I have noticed and met some of the very large numbers of Europeans touring there. Additionally, for Senior Citizens (those 65years and older) we have a free pass for all federal parks So please stop with the bragging about your parks, I have been to your country (Schwarzwald and many others in Europe, Africa and Asia and, with the exception of Africa(Krueger et al), none compare in beauty and magnitude to what we have in the United States.
  12. DO1FER

    DO1FER Ham Member QRZ Page

    Beg your pardon. I never compared the countries and how they manage their things. Our ways are always different, like us.
  13. K8NY

    K8NY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Au contraire, you insist on mentioning all places are free to visit, time and time again. We get it, thanks for your information. 73
    DO1FER likes this.
  14. N3KAE

    N3KAE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Perception versus reality! As seen on TV (YT) or a real world example that doesn't #Beg4Bucks. Kudos AE0Q! I wish I found this video link sooner! 73 ES 44 DE N3KAE

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