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T10 activity days «Made in Russia 2021» - 7th Anniversary of RDRC

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by RK3DSW, Mar 23, 2021.

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  1. RK3DSW

    RK3DSW Ham Member QRZ Page

    We invite all fans of digital radio modes to the Birthday of RDRC - activity days «Made in Russia 2021». Our club was founded on March 21, 2014. We welcome you to visit us on 7th Anniversary of the Russian Digital Radio Club from 00:00 UTC on Saturday, March 27 till 11:59 UTC on Sunday, March 28 on 160, 80, 40, 30, 20, 17, 15, 12, 10 meters bands in T10 mode. Dupe QSO (SWL) can be made on different bands. The obligatory condition of each QSO is to preserve in adif file of the Log the received locator. The occupied places in the World will be distributed according to the sum of the distances to correspondents.

    Certificates of activity days «Made in Russia 2021»
    in electronic form will be reawarded with all participants under condition of carrying out not less than 10 QSO (SWL). Certificates can be loaded independently on a site AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC. Among members of RDRC we shall raffle special prizes - three pendants with club symbolics: the first pendant - European Russia, the second - Asiatic Russia, the third pendant - among foreign members of RDRC.

    For recommended frequencies:
    T10 : 1839-1840; 3570-3573; 7077-7081; 10140-10143; 14077-14081; 18105-18107; 21077-21081; 24920-24922; 28077-28081.

    We recommend using the JTDX program for T10 mode, new versions are available at JTDX program you can also download on the website of RDRC in the section Program Archive.

    Report file should be named with your callsign (e.g. RK3DSW.adi). In the letter please indicate the WWLOC and family name, first name. All logs must be sent no later than 5 days. The participants must send their Logbooks for the periods of activity days in ADI format by e-mail to 01-10(at) untill 23:59 UTC April, 1.

    We are waiting for you on Birthday of RDRC!

    Now you can quickly check the completion of the RDRC diplomas and get them right away!
    How do I do this? Read the rules of the "RDRC members MODE awards":

    "RDRC HAMLOG members callsigns awards":


  2. RK3DSW

    RK3DSW Ham Member QRZ Page

  3. RK3DSW

    RK3DSW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Activity Days «Made in Russia» - 7th Anniversary RDRC were held on March 27-28, 2021. Our club was founded on March 21, 2014. Reports sent by 208 radio amateurs, including 138 members of the RDRC. They are representatives of 53 regions from all eight Federal Districts of Russia, as well as radio amateurs from 28 foreign countries.

    Among members of club it is raffled bilaterial three pendants RDRC. We congratulate the owners of this prizes Vacheslav Baryshev RA3TK RDRC#1184, Ivan Votev R9YCV RDRC#1281, Simon Kirkpatrick 2U0WZY RDRC#1378.

    For the 1st place in the world the #1 certificate is awarded to Alexander Chayko UA0LKD - 123 QSO and 938.832 kilometers. The second diploma is for Mikhail Pinega UA0JGT - 117 QSO and 558.711 km; the third - at Sergey Yaschenko R0LER/mm - 87 QSO and 497.799 km. 1st place in the Europe and 4th place in the world for Ivan Glukhikh R4OF with absolutely the best result in the number of radio communications - 207 QSO and 471.386 km. Among foreign participants the best result and 6th place in the world for Werner Rinke DL1RI - 188 QSO and 425.21262.487 kmg SWL's the 1st place was taken by Viktor Vivian R6H-212.

    Certificates to all participants load here: AWARDS CENTER OF RDRC

    READ MORE : Final results of 7th Anniversary RDRC - «Made in Russia» T10 activity 2021:


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