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Sweepstakes SSB: W0CN goes to Hawaii

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Dec 1, 2024.

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  1. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Dan Hausauer, W0CN, is a dedicated ham radio operator and contester who recently competed in the ARRL Sweepstakes SSB contest from Alex KH6YY’s renowned contest superstation in Hawaii (operating as WH7Z). With a lifelong passion for Sweepstakes, Dan pushed hard in this year’s contest, going head-to-head with Levi Jefferies, K6JO—who had bested him in 2023—in a friendly rivalry tracked live on the Contest Online Scoreboard. Despite limited high-band openings, Dan’s strategic approach and competitive drive shone through as he battled propagation challenges and time constraints to finish strong, edging just ahead of Levi.

    A retired full colonel with a distinguished military career spanning the Navy and Air Force, Dan’s leadership and problem-solving skills—honed in roles like Presidential Communications Officer for President Clinton—translate seamlessly into his success in ham radio and beyond. Operating from premier stations like KH6YY and collaborating with legendary operators have solidified his reputation as a serious contender and a valued team player in multi-op contests.

    Tune in to hear more about Dan’s passion for Sweepstakes, his tips for new contesters, and the camaraderie that keeps him coming back. Share your thoughts in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe to W1DED Worldwide Ham Radio for more inspiring conversations with operators like Dan!

    N3REB, KC5OMC and F4LPH like this.
  2. IK0YKM

    IK0YKM Ham Member QRZ Page

    well done !!!

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