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Sun sets new record for "spotlessness"

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K5XS, Dec 16, 2019.

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  1. KG5KPU

    KG5KPU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    BINGO! Which is why it is important that we include the digital modes -FT8, et all- when we bring the newbies into the fold. Younger folks have been brought up on computers and the internet, so they take to it like ducks to water. And, when band conditions are like they are now, FT8 will still get thru.

    I do think your atgtitude of "thinking about the newbie" is the correct one to have. We must adapt the hobby to conditions at hand.
    KA0HCP likes this.
  2. KG5KPU

    KG5KPU XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Just did a quick Google search. Found nothing about Greta discussing sunspots or ham radio. I also reread this entire thread, and found nothing about anyone even mentioning Greta, let alone expressing disbelief. Considering there is nothing to substantiate your assertions, I suggest that you may want to consult a therapist for issues re: delusional behavior. :)

    (I really do not understand why grown men are so angry and get so easily "triggered" by a 16 year old....)
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2019
    KQ6XA likes this.
  3. W0AEW

    W0AEW Ham Member QRZ Page

    You need joke repair.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2019
    KQ6XA likes this.
  4. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank goodness 2019 is over it can't give too much worse we had over 281 days of spotless sun
  5. KA4TMT

    KA4TMT Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Well i was licensed in May! I always tell people it is a great time to be in ham radio. You appreciate every contact and are proud of each QSO there are no fish in a barrel. You read the ARRL antenna book and try every trick in the book to come up with the best combination and it challenges you and makes you think, for every hour i am on the radio i have spent 4-5 thinking, reading and doing something. Now my two cents about newbies (like me) coming into the fold. digital modes will not keep them after all FT8 is basically just like a prehistoric twitter, snapchat and messenger sure kids and teens know how to use them but FT8 is going to lose to the other three, kinda like two meter its just too much like a cell phone and nowhere near as good so here today gone tomorrow didn't we learn from Pokemon Go? Your just providing what they can get elsewhere cheaper and better. Seen a lot of 5 to 25 year olds rabid about fishing in the last few years i mean absolutely addicted, that pole in hand gives them something they cant get online, on a phone, on playstation or TV. No FT8 is not ruining the hobby, everyone get what you want and explore where your interest takes you, but it is also not the Savior of the hobby, people try all kinds of hobbies and for one reason or another move on just ask your local gym:). As a new comer and during these poor conditions you can talk all over your region all the time, so lets quit teaching every new person that the only contacts that matter are rare DX to Madagascar!!! after all i hear CQ's all the time that go unanswered because they are in IOWA (I never let a CQ go unanswered) but let Japan come on and its a pileup! Teach them to appreciate every contact. enjoy catching the bluegill, they cant all be trophy marlin better yet every contact is a trophy marlin! To all you trophy marlin on the bands, i hope to talk to you soon.
    WK4K, N1OOQ and K0UO like this.
  6. N1OOQ

    N1OOQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good point. You see this with many old-school hobbies these days. For instance, astronomy. Back in the day, a large part of it was learning the skills to find your way around the sky and use a telescope to full advantage. All gone now with goto scopes, and the hobby is a lot less engaging.
  7. W5DXP

    W5DXP Ham Member QRZ Page

    Good reason to try JS8Call.

    It was warmer 1000 years ago than it is today. Did the Vikings have a large carbon footprint? It was warmer 10,000 years ago than it is today. Did the Neanderthal have a large carbon footprint? It was warmer 120,000 and 330,000 years ago that is is today. Did Homo Erectus have a large carbon footprint?
  8. WB0AGU

    WB0AGU Ham Member QRZ Page


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