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Successfully Redeeming IRCs

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K6XX, Dec 19, 2017.

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  1. VK4KL

    VK4KL Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have to buy US$ to satisfy the requirements of some hams to include return postage for QSL’s. For me to do that I have to go to a bank 40k each way. Not only do I have to satisfy the bank as to why I need US$ But then I have to buy at exchange rates (fair enough) but also have to pay an admin fee of so much per US$10 or part thereof last time was AU$6 admin fee for US$8. Total cost was $17. Works out expensive
  2. VU2DK

    VU2DK Ham Member QRZ Page

  3. K6BBB

    K6BBB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    I went to our main post office to buy IRC's. "Huh?" the branch supervisor said. "Well, do you have stamps by denomination, one dollar and so on?" "No they don't make those anymore, only forever." [Dumber than a rock supervisor.] I went to the smaller satellite branch. "Do you still have denominational stamps?" I had bought them there many times in the past. The clerk replied, "Sure, how many of what amount?" So refreshing to have someone who KNOWS THEIR JOB.

    Now I'll go back and ask about IRCs.

  4. AD3C

    AD3C Ham Member QRZ Page

    His thesis works well. I had no problem when presenting the items just like the author wrote.
  5. K6XX

    K6XX Ham Member QRZ Page

    "Her", actually. Sarah is my daughter. I merely posted her experience using my existing QRZ account...

    73 de Bob, K6XX
  6. AD3C

    AD3C Ham Member QRZ Page

    Her, my apology.

  7. N1KFC

    N1KFC Ham Member QRZ Page

    If you are still interested, I have 10 expired, sequential serial numbered, with hologram in pristine (as in never taken out of the cellophane like envelope when purchased at the PO) condition.

  8. AD3C

    AD3C Ham Member QRZ Page

    Mark, I would like to have them, do you require postage if the other fella does not respond???

  9. W7WA

    W7WA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I have had no problem redeeming IRC's at the local post office. Here is how to assist your local postal clerk to redeem your IRC's for overseas postage:

    On the clerk's touchscreen proceed as follows:

    Sales => More => Exchanges => Foreign IRC

    GL, Dan W7WA
    KC1EKB likes this.
  10. KC1EKB

    KC1EKB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Of course, that only works at the RSS (automated, for lack of a better term) offices. Manual offices should be able to just exchange them, make the correct entries in their e1412 at the end of the day, and then submit the IRC's when directed.
  11. VK4KL

    VK4KL Ham Member QRZ Page

    I gave up on IRC's so I drove 180km to a Money Exchange in Brisbane and bought some US $ a lot less expensive then going to our local bank.

  12. AC0VJ

    AC0VJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    i could sell you one of mine.
  13. AD3C

    AD3C Ham Member QRZ Page

    how much do you need. I can get your address from your page on qrz and mail you the money and sase.


  14. K3KIC

    K3KIC Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'd add a step 6. Write a letter to the Postmaster General complaining about the service Brad gave you. Identify the post office and mention Brad by name.
    May not change much per IRCs but likely Brad will get at least scolded by the local manager for getting bad report to the superiors.

    The current Post Master General is from SE PA and has had a number of public appearances to promote the PO. From everything I hear she is unlikely to simply blow off a complaint.

    I have never exchanged an IRC but have had my local postal workers checking unusual things for me. Always helpful.

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