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Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by K3BEQ, Mar 11, 2021.

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  1. K3BEQ

    K3BEQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    new logo final.png

    is a Group of Amateur Radio operators licensed by their respective governments, in 38 countries, on 6 of the 7 continents who enjoy Streaming Video Over Internet Protocol ( SVOIP).. It employs the JITSI video network which provides communication services for having QSOs in video and voice.

    There are no fees, codes, downloads (except for Smart phones) and it is easy to setup using Windows 7-10 in less than 2 minutes. The Group of Amateurs is relatively small (over 180 hams) as of this writing, very friendly and helpful. Not only do you get to QSO with hams from places like 9K2, VK, 9Y, ZS, BX, etc., but you get to see them in their "shacks", at their backyard antenna systems or driving around their cities and country side. Great for those hams who have restrictive antenna covenants or otherwise unable to setup a station.

    Additionally, tours have been conducted of historic places such as the Viet Nam, Korean and World War II Memorials in Washington DC; Hawaii, Scotland, England.... It is quite an experience and I have found that there is more of a bonding with our fellow hams than using just voice.

    The Group also has a Facebook Page that is a subsidiary of the parent HCI Video Group and supports that operation. Both are for government licensed Amateur Radio operators or those seriously interested in obtaining a license.......

    * For more information on how to get on the Video Group contact . Please provide your Amateur Radio call sign, name and email if not listed in

    +To join the Facebook page go to: click on the :"Request to Join" icon and provide your name, callsign and email if not listed in You do not have to be a FB member to join.

    Hams from the following international countries are members of both the HAM CAM INTERNATIONAL video and Facebook Groups:

    Australia Austria Brunei Bulgaria Canada Denmark England France Germany Gibraltar Hungary India Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Japan Kuwait Malaysia Malta Mauritius New Zealand Peru Scotland Sweden Slovak Republic South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka St. Vincent Taiwan Sweden Thailand Trinidad & Tobago Turkey USA Wales.

    All are in 6 of the 7 continents: North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania. (Antarctica not served)

    PHOTO: Some of the amateurs that Qso with each other daily. These hams represent: England, Wales, Hungary, Canada, USA, Hawaii, Austria, Scotland. It's a friendly group that enjoy the video experience....Give it a try and if it is not your cup of tea, so be it. If it is; you will enjoy another communications and cultural experience.

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  2. K3BEQ

    K3BEQ Ham Member QRZ Page

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