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State QSO Parties: The Contest Crew Tells You How and Why

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Apr 24, 2024.

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  1. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    State and Regional QSO Parties are a great entry point for new contesters and a nice break from the 48 hour madness of the major contests. They all have different characteristics and often dramatically different rules. Hours of operation are typically shorter and some have a unique focus on mobile operations. In this 11th episode of the Contest Crew, Randy K5ZD and Chris KL9A talk about their experiences with QSO parties, offer their unique perspective on what to expect, and have some useful tips. We hope you are able to join us, subscribe to the channel, and send us questions or topics for future shows. 73, Kevin W1DED

    KA1ULN, KN7Y, K6CTW and 6 others like this.
  2. KQ0J

    KQ0J Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Florida this weekend !
    W1DED likes this.
  3. AJ4LN

    AJ4LN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've been doing QSO parties since the year after I got my license (got it in 2008). They are great. Been doing the QSO Party Challenge since it started, I think 4 or 5 years ago. And also been doing the NAQP SSB for many years, both times per year.
    KI5UXW and W1DED like this.
  4. KI5UXW

    KI5UXW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm gonna have to get on the air then!
    20m/40m here we come!
    AJ4LN and W1DED like this.
  5. N3WVB

    N3WVB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Here's hoping all participants log their contacts on The QRZ Log Book
    Looking to acquire as many counties as possible
    Florida I will be playing on All Bands

    N1WVQ, W6BFK, W1DED and 2 others like this.
  6. N3OA

    N3OA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    It’s been a struggle to get the 2 QSOs required for the State QSO Party Challenge. I’m looking forward to Florida to get some points to help my overall score. So far, from my QTH in Maine, Wisconsin and Michigan have had the most activators.
    AJ4LN and KI5UXW like this.
  7. N3OA

    N3OA Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Kevin, as I’ve said before, my husband, K3PW, and I enjoy your interviews so much! You keep your guests on track and always bring them back around to the important points.
    Also, I want to thank you for giving Randy Thompson a voice in the YouTube ham radio streams. He has a unique perspective informed by his long history of contesting from both the operator side and administrative side. I’ve learned so much about the culture of amateur radio and contesting from his insights.
    W1DED, KI5UXW and KT4PH like this.
  8. KH6AQ

    KH6AQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Way out here in Hawaii propagation does not always align with the bands state QSO party participants are using. West coast QSO parties such as the California, 7QP, Salmon run work best. Being on the receiving end is the most fun and I will see you all in the Hawaii QSO Party August 24-26.
    N1WVQ, W6BFK, AJ4LN and 1 other person like this.
  9. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you to my Maine friends!
  10. DL4MD

    DL4MD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am a foreign Member of the ARRL for many years now and i am searching for skeds in CW only to ID, SD and WY for the WAS. Got the other States in my LotW-Log ;-) ..
    Skeds welcome to or via my website
    tnx a lot es vy 73 de Dirk, DL4MD
  11. KO2Q

    KO2Q Lifetime Member 562 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    Ain't no party like a QSO party cuz a QSO party don't stop:cool:
  12. W6BFK

    W6BFK XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    We have you in the log for in the WX4E Charlotte county log. Thanks for the contact!
    N3WVB likes this.
  13. KN7Y

    KN7Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    Jack KN7Y from AZ! This year (2024) I am making a concerted effort to work all QSO Parties (all scores uploaded to 3830Scores dot com). For the 7QP, I operated in the Expedition category from Payson, Gila County, AZ - and thanks for the QSO's.

    Personally, I use N3FJP software. While running portable from my Tacoma with Wolf River Coils' Sporty 40 coil and 17' whip on 40 CW (and their tripod mount) and hamsticks on 10-15-20 CW, I kept my log in N3FJP's software for in-region 7QP. As I worked ops who were in other QSO parties, I wrote their QSO number from my log on a pad of paper that I kept in my lap (operating position is from the passenger seat), and then their county exchange. Then, I later entered these cross-QP-QSO's into their respective N3FJP logs. I find that most other QSO party operators understand the dual-QP exchange. The challenge is certainly magnified when you are the "hunted one" and there are other QP's in operation at the same time!

    This was my first Expedition operation that was inspired by ops like AD4EB and K5CM, both of whom often are mobile in various State QP's and they have a great amount of experience in setting up a station and operating from a vehicle - and they and other mobile ops make QP's especially fun because you're not only chasing CQ'ers from fixed stations, you can also monitor the frequencies these mobile ops use because every time they cross a county line they are a new prospect for a QSO.

    Please look for me in the AZQP in October, where I am planning to activate the more rare Apache and Navajo Counties, as well as Coconino and Gila Counties - and from county lines for "two-fer" QSO's. Information is at my QRZ page.

    Photo in Gila County taken by my wife, Barbara, of me setting up WRC's Sporty-40 coil / 17' whip using their tripod mount for the 7QP. My pro tripod extends to 6' and on top of the bed cover the base of the vertical is 10' off the ground.

    GL and we'll see you in the QP's!

    73, Jack KN7Y

    KN7Y Deploy 40 WRC.JPG
  14. AI7FF

    AI7FF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for the video! I've only been a Ham for 4 years and have been primarily a Search & Pounce op. I recently signed up for a CWOPS class and was encouraged to participate in contesting. Since my CW skills have improved, I feel a lot more confident participating in whatever activity is active on the bands. I practice using Morse Runner. Seems like a natural progression to engage in solicitation and call CQ. It's a good idea to commit to short sessions of time. More info on contests {} N1MM is a free logger that works well enough. I mostly work the 20 meter band and almost exclusively CW. It's fun to share the company of fellow Ham Radio enthusiasts.
    See you on the air!
    73 Bob AI7FF

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