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SQUIRL - Logger for Field Day

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KC8OPV, Mar 25, 2003.

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  1. KC8OPV

    KC8OPV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Announcing SQUIRL, the Simple-Quick-and-Ready-Logger for Field Day.  Just what you need for quick and efficient logging for the most important day of the year in Amateur Radio.

    SQUIRL Field Day Logger makes all log entries to easily readable text files based on your callsign, band, and mode.  After field day, you can copy and print the relevant logs for simplified and legible perusal.

    Version 2003 includes two new features that will increase the Field Day Fun Factor.  By clicking the View->History menu item, you can show a real-time history grid of your previous contacts.  And be sure not to miss the real-time map of the USA and Canada! This map shows the location of all the contacts you've made on the band and mode you are working.

    For more information, visit the Field Day Logger link at
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