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Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KD4POJ, Mar 14, 2007.

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  1. KD4POJ

    KD4POJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Special Event Station Oscar X-Ray 60 America Denmark (OX60AD).

    This special event marks the 60th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force and commemorates the 1951 Defense Agreement establishing  Thule Defense Area.  The agreement was originally between Denmark and the United States, it now includes Greenland Home Rule. Thule acts as the Guardian of the North protecting Greenland and all North America. The event also marks the 56th anniversary of "Operation Blue Jay".  

    The US Air Force created in 1947 as a separate branch of the US military celebrates its 60th birthday.  From it's early beginnings, the United States Air Force and it's components of Active, Reserve and Air National Guard has provided superior air and space power for it's war and peace time missions.  The US Air Force has been instrumental research and development of many of today's aerospace technology and has been instrumental in providing humanitarian aid/relief the world over.

    Thule AB, Greenland:
    The base was built in secrecy under the name "Operation Blue Jay". The construction was completed in only 104 days with crews working 24 hrs a day and living aboard ships in the North Star Bay. Today Thule AB has combined total about 600 people comprised of U.S., Canadian, Danish and Greenlandic nationals.

    Greenland and Thule: Greenland is the largest island on earth with more than 5/6 of its surface covered by the polar ice cap. The ice cap is more than 10,000 feet thick in some areas. The island as big as it is; has approximately 56,000 people on the island.  Of which very few are ham operators.

    The closest town to the Thule AB is Qaanaaq, 75 miles northwest of the base with a population of only a couple hundred.  Thule is a very remote location above the Artic Circle, without a lot of the normal conveniences that many enjoy, there are no shopping malls or fast food restaurants or tourist attractions.  Anything that is needed here is shipped in during the short summer or is flown in.

    Thule Air Base is located on the northwest coast of Greenland, approx. 700 miles north of the Arctic Circle, 950 miles south of the True North Pole and 500+ miles east of the Magnetic North Pole.

    Because of its northern location, Thule experiences constant darkness from November until February and constant sunlight from May to August. Average winter temperatures range from 13 to 20F degrees below zero, with 85F degrees below zero being the lowest recorded reading. Summer temperatures normally range from 30 to 44 degrees with the highest recorded reading being a tepid 68 degrees. This part of Greenland has recorded wind speeds greater than hurricane force with the maximum recorded wind speed of nearly 200 miles per hour (weather equipment failed at that point).

    Because of Thule's unique location; hosts several scientific studies conducted year round, and has been the starting point/base camp of many Artic Expeditions.

    Please join us celebrate the 60th Birthday of the United States Air Force, and the 56 yrs of cooperation between the United States, Denmark and Greenland Home Rule.

    Operations will start 1 April 07 until 30 April 07
    Operations: 6m (50.145 +/-) 10m, 15m, 17m, 20m, 40/80m Modes: CW, PSK, RTTY, HELL, SSB
    Operators: Dennis OX3UR (QSL manager), Dwayne OX3PG/KD4POJ (Trustee), Johnny OX3WM, Max OX3PJ/OZ4MAX and various Guest Operators
    QSL: Direct Only to OX3UR see listing on

    Sponsors:  We are still accepting sponsors for our event. If you would like to help with this project please contact Dwayne OX3PG at KD4POJ at SRT dot COM for details.
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