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Special Event Station: W9D, Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of D Day (June 6-8)

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by WB9UGX, May 19, 2014.

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  1. WB9UGX

    WB9UGX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Special Event Station: W9D
    June 6 - 8, 2014
    Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of D Day,
    from the grounds of the First Division War Museum,
    in Winfield, Illinois.
    Operating frequencies: (+/-)
    28.400 MHz SSB
    14.290 MHz SSB
    7.250 MHz SSB
    3.885 MHz AM
    50.40 MHz AM
    CW general sub-bands (+.050 from bottom)
    145.430 MHz (Chicagoland repeater (search for W9DUP on IRLP or Echolink)

    Certificate by sending proof of contact (QSL) with S.A.S.E. to:
    The DuPage Amateur Radio Club
    P.O. Box 71
    Clarendon Hills, IL. USA 60514

    Club web site:
    (information submitted by Brian, WB9UGX, Secretary, DuPage ARC)
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