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Silent Keys: A poem and tribute by Matt Anderson KAØBOJ

Discussion in 'Silent Keys / Friends Remembered' started by W7UUU, Sep 24, 2024.

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  1. W7UUU

    W7UUU Director, QRZ Forums Lifetime Member 133 QRZ HQ Staff Life Member QRZ Page

    This lovely tribute was submitted to QRZ by Matt Anderson, KAØBOJ, with a desire
    to have it posted on QRZ. It's a very fitting piece to feature here - even if the ham being
    remembered might not have been a CW operator - the tradition of "Silent Key" still
    holds sway and garners respect in our long tradition.

    Posted on behalf of Matt KAØBOJ


    Silent Key is a term of final endearment originally given to telegraphers
    of the past who had died. Silent Key denoted that their key was no longer

    As time and technology moved forward the Amateur Radio Community
    adopted this to acknowledge ham radio operators who had passed and
    became a “Silent Key”

    Silent Key

    There was a time when the sounds had flowed from your radio room. A melody
    to you, and to some a cantankerous noise.

    But what a wonderful sound. A melodious harmony and rhythms known to a
    few, but to you a symphony of your own creation. Carrying your thoughts
    and feelings across town and around the world.

    As times changed you picked up a microphone and shared your hours with
    friends known and unknown. But you always came back to the key you
    knew so well.

    And now you are gone. The key knows no melody. The symphony is silent.
    We remember with fondness the sounds that flowed from your room, and
    we are now greeted with silence.

    But now, your signals are perfect. 599 and perfect tone. Your key is now
    golden. Your creator now listens to the symphony we used to enjoy and
    smiles. Embraces you and shows you the heavens where your symphony
    now roams.

    Matt Anderson - KAØBOJ
    W1YW, IK8UDK, W2SKI and 9 others like this.
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