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SES H L Hunley Commemorative Station N4HLH

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by K4TCP, Nov 8, 2016.

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  1. K4TCP

    K4TCP XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    H L Hunley Commemorative Station N4HLH


    Friday, February 17th 2017 will mark the 153nd anniversary of the sinking of the U.S.S. Housatonic by the submarine H. L. Hunley in Charleston SC.

    This is the anniversary of the first successful sinking of a warship by a submarine.

    The Trident Amateur Radio Club will be operating a special event station, N4HLH, from noon to 6 PM on February 17th from

    the site of the launching of H L Hunley from Breeches Inlet, on Sullivans Island, SC

    Sunrise Presbyterian Church
    3222 Middle Street
    Sullivan's Island, SC 29482

    Grid Square FM02cs

    We will also operate from several home stations later in the evening so look for us later.

    Proposed frequencies are 7.117(CW) 7.262, 14.262 and, for Technicians, 28.462 Mhz.

    We will also be listening on all the state wide two meter SCHeart repeaters so if you are a Technician class opreator and don't have HF gear you can get a certificate also.

    This is a special event station not a contest.

    The SC HEARTS repeater system will be linked for the duration of the event.

    To request a certificate send contact information to PO Box 60732 N Charleston, SC 29419

    A QSL card will be sent upon receipt of a SASE for US requests. International requests, please send SAE and $2 USD (2 Green Backs).

    Questions: Ron Davis K4TCP at
    or call 843.608.4780

    QSL Card


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