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Sad Hamfest this year

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by KA5ROW, Sep 11, 2016.

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  1. KA5ROW

    KA5ROW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Went to a local hamfest and it was the worst by far in the last 30+ years I have been to this hamfest. It was a, almost no show for anyone attending. The two big tents were almost empty. Everyone including tailgaters could have fit under one with lots of space leftover. It was real sad to see, and what was their other than some great venders was mostly junk. I saw only one good amplifier a Ten-Tec Titian II, and a nice Icom Pro III with matching P/S and speaker. In all maybe 15 radios total 12 were junk, a few decent antenna tuners. And not much else. I hope next year is much better. But it was a real disappointment for me. And I wish them a good year in 2017
  2. KC9GLD

    KC9GLD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sorry to hear about that, but I've noticed here in Indiana the same thing is happening with our hamfests. I'm suspecting that everyone is selling a lot more on e bay and have forgotten all about meeting face to face rather than hiding behind a keyboard. I suppose I'll never have anything to do with craigs list or e bay with all the crap that is placed on there. Many new hams around here have been taken advantage of purchasing from those sites. I just hope face to face socializing isn't becoming extinct. '73 Harley kc9gld
    WQ4G likes this.
  3. K3RW

    K3RW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Sad one here as well, and it was an ARRL-sanctioned (!). I was hoping it would be a departure from the overflowing junk bins of last year. Nope. Same sellers, same junk. Who wants corroded connectors by the pound!? This stuff was seriously sad, and more CB stuff than HF. Upside, there were many restored and neat vintage receivers. I was hoping to find a satellite and moonbounce mentor, but nope. It was more just a place to eat a stale donut, drink some strong coffee, and shoot the breeze.

    But I did get a Hamfest Special sticker from DX Engineering... $20 of an order of $100 or more. Anyone want that, message me and I'll gladly give it to you. Expires 10/31/16 so hurry.
  4. K1SZO

    K1SZO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Oh that $100 barrier won't be hard to break hah. :D
    WN1MB and K3RW like this.
  5. KA5ROW

    KA5ROW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I just can't describe in print how disappointed I was, it was just awful, I was looking for a good amp like a Ten-Tec or an Al-82 something capable of 1800 to 2kw so the 1500 would not be running it at max therefore not stressing it out. that aside I could have advertised a hamfest at my house and had more attendees it was that bad. it was just heartbreaking to see normaley this is a great hamfeast, I hope it was just a fluke and won't happen again. It's only a 44 mile drive for me and very convenient to attend. some of the locals I talk to said they stayed about 30 minuets and left. I got there about 8:00 and was gone by 9:30 hoping someone some more people would show up. maybe 2 or 3 tailgaters did and that was it.
  6. KF5DZQ

    KF5DZQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Well, I read a lot of negatives here...comments like that help KILL hamfests. Putting on a Hamfest is akin to planning a wedding. hundreds of hours, sometimes thousands. And of course, it only takes a couple of guests to ruin the occasion. What you put in print here, remains "forever". Be positive. They did a lot of work for YOU to attend that event. Was there anything positive about this one? anything new and exciting? Perhaps the promoters could use some fresh volunteers and positive word of mouth to increase attendance ? Maybe you could help them?
    WU8Y, W0BTU, WQ4G and 1 other person like this.
  7. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    The same thing was happening here. But I think we've turned it around. The secret? Getting people to volunteer. Not just to work setup, but to spread the word and SELL TABLES and put some real effort into getting vendors onboard. Yeah, you can buy gear off eBay, but most would prefer to at least be able to look at what they are buying. AND...the second club in town is preparing to put on a first, no, the hamfest is not dead around here. ;)
    K9UR and W0JPO like this.
  8. W4NNF

    W4NNF XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    You won't always find what you are looking for at any hamfest smaller than, say, Dayton. But likely you will find something...and one of the big deals about hamfests has nothing to do with scoring the amp you want, it has to do with being with your friends and having a great time.
    W5ESE, W0BTU, W0JPO and 1 other person like this.
  9. KD5RJZ

    KD5RJZ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I guess I am lucky, but we have some pretty nice Hamfests in 5-land.
    W5ESE and W0JPO like this.
  10. WJ4U

    WJ4U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Um, guys, this thread was from 2016, and

    N6QIC likes this.
  11. W2WDX

    W2WDX Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Same reason Hamfests were dying. SK's. However, since this thread was started I think Hamfests in general are on a minor comeback. Why? eBay and Craiglists being a bad place for the inexperienced to buy things, so many got burned. I've done well, but only because I know what to look for and what to avoid. So many people are returning to Hamfests to actually see what they are buying.

    So enough on this old bumped thread.
    KD5RJZ likes this.
  12. N6QIC

    N6QIC Ham Member QRZ Page

    K2HAT likes this.
  13. KA9JLM

    KA9JLM Ham Member QRZ Page


    I did not know he was a SK :(
  14. W0JPO

    W0JPO Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Went to a hamfest in Wichita last weekend. Aside from there being way fewer tables than the Salina, KS state convention swap meet a month earlier, it was depressing how everyone there was 40+ years old. NO KIDS. Man, I was saving my paper route money and buying Heathkits when I was 14, got my ham license at 15, etc you know the story. Now, kids have no time for a hobby, it's all sports, video games, and consuming our crap culture here in the USSA. But I digress. Found a great bargain on an Astron 35M, and enjoyed talking to those who attended about what they're doing, etc....

    Ham radio is still the greatest hobby in the world, in my opinion. Not to mention, wireless is my career, and a great one at that, thanks to those days sniffing solder flux when I was a kid!
  15. W0JPO

    W0JPO Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Sorry about the silent key, however the topic is still relevant, no?? Hamfests being somewhat less of a thing than they used to be.

    Meant to reply to the "this is an old thread" comment above this one.
    W5TTW likes this.

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