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Radiosport Guru: The Remarkable Contest Career of IK2QEI

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Oct 7, 2024.

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  1. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Stefano Brioschi, IK2QEI, has made a significant impact in the world of ham radio, with a career marked by technical skill, competitive success, and dedication to the hobby. His journey began in Italy, where at 18, he joined a multi-multi CQ Worldwide effort led by Renzo I3MAU (SK)), alongside a team of experienced operators. Early experiences at stations like IR4T, combined with mentorship from top Italian contesters such as I4UFH, helped Stefano develop his contesting skills. These formative years led to five appearances at the prestigious WRTC (World Radiosport Team Championship). Stefano's work in Morocco with CN3A cemented his legacy. In 2006, he and his team built the station from scratch, turning it into a leading contest site. Located near the Atlantic coast, CN3A’s ideal location, coupled with careful planning, multiple towers, and a strong team, led to years of competitive success. Stefano’s involvement with CN3A 2.0 reflects his deep experience and collaborative spirit. Beyond his personal achievements, he has also contributed to the ham radio community as a WRTC referee and a CQ Worldwide Contest Committee member, mentoring others and shaping the future of the sport. Stefano’s story offers a glimpse into the challenges and rewards of high-level contesting, blending innovation and teamwork. Whether you're passionate about ham radio or curious about international contesting, his journey provides valuable insights into the craft.
    I3QJZ, IK2QEI and (deleted member) like this.
  2. N7XCZ

    N7XCZ Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


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