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Radio Interference in Florida is a Felony

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W6EM, Jun 1, 2005.

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  1. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    OK. You didn't answer K2WH's question. So, answer mine: Just who DOES represent the amateur radio operators of the United States?

    You? Glenn Baxter? Alfred E. Newman?
  2. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    I agree, Chip! Let's talk about your nice letter that was sold on ebay!! That would be fun....

    Sold for $0.35? ROFLMAO!!!
  3. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    OK. Just a quick question or two for you.

    Were you aware of this statute before you read about it here? Have you done anything about it such as correspond with your state representative(s), the Attorney General, Governor or other Florida state official to point out its absurdity?

    If you have, then, its time for fun and relaxation.

    Otherwise, my friend, a good many of us who live here along with you are thinking about going off the air until the dust settles.

    BTW, I didn't think this was partisan politics.


  4. AL2I

    AL2I XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Perhaps it is Chewbacca. If so, I would like to hear him clear his throat on sideband! [​IMG]
  5. W6EM

    W6EM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wow, Charlie, that just proved that its worth more than two bits.....

    Do you suppose another one, suitable for framing, is being drafted as this hits the server?
  6. AL2I

    AL2I XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    OMG!!!!! When the next letter comes up for bid, please let us know!!!
  7. KC0NYK

    KC0NYK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Just one more in a long list of why I no longer would consider living in Florida. Just for the record, both my wife and myself are from 'old' Florida families. We no longer even vist the state due to the stupidity of the people who have moved in to take over over the past several decades. We still have family in the state but we no longer have any desire whatsoever to live there.

    73 all
    Jim Tuggle kc0nyk
  8. wc4rav

    wc4rav Guest

    children please calm down:

    Nextel is going be in deep sh** it Florida then.
    So is the local cable company.
    Oh yea Florida hams don't have to fret over Bpl
    so now my friend in Florida can have his neighbor charged with a felony for talking on his cordless phone - which might happen to be on his 900mhz repeater.
    he can even charge the Gov't with a felony when their Scada system pollutes his system..
    cool deal -
    I guess I should send him a ton of Spec/ans seams like there's going be a hot market for them.

    all jokes aside by what measure does Florida constitute interference. 5mv .5mv .0005 mv

    any 2 bit public defender can have these charges thrown out. because the law is 2 broad it makes everyone guilty.

    and as a side note
    the ARRL represents the minority of licensed radio amateurs in the US. this minority constitutes their membership.
    while many of the opinions /views may benefit the majority of radio amateurs in the US such benefit is merely coincidental - because the ARIL has a duty to be the voice of it's dues paying membership only.
    while they use the tag line of the national voice for ham radio- is some what true , because they are a national organization - is also misleading because most Radio amateurs is the US belong to no such national organization.
    now let the bashing continue.
  9. KD7WHQ

    KD7WHQ QRZ Member QRZ Page

    The sunshine state could eliminate any possible problems by merely adding "within the commercial broadcast or public safety bands" following the "unlicensed" bit.

    Simple, clear, and to the point.

    Then they would present an unassailable mandate.

    But, loosely worded, yup, it could be a real problem..
  10. N5AOR

    N5AOR Ham Member QRZ Page

    With my limited vision, as I see it, this law is typical of a classic politics.

    Either one or a group of lawmakers actually wanted to do something good for the community and in their attempt fell painfully short by not getting and/or using research and other info or.

    The same one or group only initiated the bill, now law, for the benefit of their own personal gain, possibly at the cost of anothers, now new, misfortune.

    If it's the first reason, let's give them a break. After all, they might be human too. If it's the second, well, if you keep doing this kind of thing, hopefully some Attorney General or District Attorney will build a case and throw your lousy butt in jail and sell the key to a linch mob.

    To mr. Chip:
    I realize the ARRL only actually represents their dues paying members (heck yes I'm a member and would be at twice the price) but I believe they act in the best interests of all amateur radio operators and the whole country in general, most of the time. And, nere as I can tell, the ARRL is very benign. SO, HECK YEAH. WHY NOT THE ARRL FIGHTING FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. This law can affect us as a hobby and there is nothing wrong with being PROactive rather than REactive especially if it costs little or no money.

    I despise politics like most poeple but also realize for our society to function, we must have polticians which makes for the world we live in today, good or bad. The rules are made by the ones that show up.

    So I quess the thought for the day would be:

    SHOW UP! or SHUT UP!

  11. KD5INM

    KD5INM Ham Member QRZ Page


    and as a side note
    the ARRL represents the minority of licensed radio amateurs in the US. this minority constitutes their membership


     I would like to know where I can find the information relating to the statement above, where does it say how many actual members there are in the ARRL?  I'm not attacking anyone, I'd just like to know.
     I am a member of the ARRL and I love the organization. I don't agree with the ARRL not helping any Ham without consideration of their membership, but I do see that it costs money and time of which money is tight and I imagine time is pretty valuable too. If the ARRL were to assist everyone, then resources would really be strained and lessened for those who do support the ARRL. The ARRL knows this and knows it isn't fair to the members to use resources to help non-members.
     I feel we as Hams would be much stronger if more of the Ham community supported the ARRL, even if we don't all agree with what it does. It may not be perfect, "you can't please everyone, all the time", and all other terms apply, but the ARRL is all we have. It's not like we have a choice, such as do I buy Heinz ketchup or Del Monte ketchup? What alternative do we have to the ARRL? The alternative is to sit and not be a member and not do anything but complain about what the ARRL is "doing" to amateur radio or what the ARRL has done to you.  Members CAN make a difference.
     Let me tell you a short story about an amateur radio club,a club that could be from Anywhere, USA, a club that had slowly alienated it's members, and they left one by one, leaving the few that were in power and the few that didn't want, or know how to rock the boat, except for "a couple of members". The "couple of members" had their own 'meeting' and talked a few old members and others that were alienated by the group into coming back to a meeting before elections and joining. They had enough people join to to outnumber the present membership, which had dwindled, and when nominations were held before the election, the newer members put up a nomination for each office from their group to oppose the old guard, and with the edge they held in number, they voted the old guard out, the new group got to run the club, repeaters, and assets(money in bank), everything , just by having 25 people join and vote em' out.
     If you don't like the way the ARRL is run, join and vote/complain/lobby members to your cause, express your opinion. Write the ARRL, if you are a member, they will have to listen to you. You're not going to do anything to change things unless the people who don't like they way the ARRL does things, are of one voice.. Strength in numbers and all that jazz...
     The ARRL has a lot of good people, who if you met them,they might be your friend, people who try their best in their day to day duties to help others. I salute them. When I call or write the ARRL, I deal with them, I talk to them, and they seem sincere in their efforts to help me or to help me help others.
     I'm a Technical Specialist with ARRL, and I consider myself to be part of the ARRL organization, but I have yet to refuse any Ham or even asked him/her if they were a member of the ARRL before I helped them. It made no difference to me. Please don't judge everyone who is a member or works in the office of ARRL as being out to ruin amateur radio. This is a changing world, and through the years I believe the ARRL has done it's best with what resources it has, to not only preserve Ham radio as a hobby and a place to operate, but also to help advance the radio art or atleast create a atmosphere for us as Ham operators to be creative and inovative in our ways of communication.
      I may not always agree with what the ARRL does myself, but l do appreciate all the good folks working in the office at HQ.

  12. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    Amateur Radio operators are a highly fractured group and they have no organization that represents them--represents 'US'. The big reason for this is that there is no need. If there was a need, then hams--as a majority--would support such an effort.

    The fact is they do not.

    Incredibly hyped issues of BPL; spectrum 'defense', and so on, are, according to the BPL trade org head, excuses which the ARRL uses to bolster membership. Apparently, with little success: less than 25% of licensed hams in the U.S. belong to the ARRL.

    I have no idea why the ARRL has gone into , IMO, such an 'activist' mode. You'd have to ask them.

    The biggest issue is one we, as hams, push under the rug: a VAST majority of our numbers are technican VHF ONLY
    licensees. Very, very few of them care about goofy things like the alleged BPL debacle, for the simple reason that it doesn't affect them. And, if they operate legally, neither will this Florida law, IMO.

    Interesting: if you use your HF radio to jam BPL in Florida, then, if I understand it, you will be committing a felony. Maybe more than one!

    Hope this helps.

    Chip N1IR
  13. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page

    I am on the air 24 hours a day with my handy WiFi link.

    Try it, you'll like it!

    Chip N1IR
  14. N1WJO

    N1WJO Ham Member QRZ Page

    What ever happened to that little sticker on electronic devices that you buy that says you must accept any interference that the device may receive. Seems like the problem that we have here is cheap devices being made in third world countries. I think that is where the issue needs attention. I do applaud the efforts of anyone trying to resolve such a crazy law as the one mentioned. I hope a speedy resolution is found.

  15. W1YW

    W1YW Ham Member QRZ Page


    That is as valid as it ever was.

    There is no evidence that this law is intended nor will be enforced in such cases.

    The issue is intent:if any ham uses a radio to --intentionally--disrupt, then he or she is operating outside of Part 97. In this case, the Florida law makes sense.

    Florida's population is booming and so is the ham population down there.

    Chip N1IR
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