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Radio France switches off Medium Wave (MW) transmissions

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W9GB, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. W9GB

    W9GB Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Radio France switches off Medium Wave transmissions
    Radio France switches off Medium Wave transmissions
    Since midnight on 31st December 2015. Radio France programs are no longer broadcast on the Medium Wwave band. Services concerned are France Info, France bleu RCFM et France Bleu Elsass. Broadcasting on Medium Wave, started between 1937 and 1944, is considered obsolete, with the number of Medium Wave listeners being marginal. This step is part of an economy plan at Radio France. It will be followed by the cessation of Long Wave broadcasts on 31st December 2016.

    Radio France is offering an improvement in FM broadcasts to cover the switch off of the Medium Wave services. (Link is in French.) As well as this, because their listeners want to listen to their programs on connected devices, Radio France is also investing in the distribution of its stations and programs on connected devices (smartphones, PCs, Tablets, TV etc) and is offering new services such as internet radio and mobile applications.
    A number of European countries have been reducing or ending their MW broadcasts.

    Recordings of final broadcasts (SWL)
    KK5R likes this.
  2. YO3IPR

    YO3IPR XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    KF7PCL, KA0HCP and KK5R like this.
  3. K3ILC

    K3ILC Ham Member QRZ Page

    So, I wonder what how the Radio France audience compares numerically with privately operated French MW stations listed.
  4. DRBEN

    DRBEN QRZ Member

    The number of AM MW broadcast stations in Canada is dropping rapidly. In my area (metro population 800,000), the last station pulled the plug about ten years ago. However, the number of FM stations is increasing.
    K7TOM likes this.
  5. W5TTW

    W5TTW XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    My French is terrible, but here goes: Bon Jovi.
    WA7PRC, K3RW and KK5R like this.
  6. WB4YBY

    WB4YBY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Maybe MW can be reallocated to amateur use.
    WL4X, KB7AA and KK5R like this.
  7. K2ADK

    K2ADK Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    When people get tired of having their every move tracked online, perhaps the lovely anonymity of broadcast radio will regain its appeal. Streaming content, my eye.
    KG4IKS, KF7PCL, K7NDE and 5 others like this.
  8. G5STO

    G5STO Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Do they not even consider French ex-patriots in other countries listening to French radio. Its pretty selfish to think the only people to listen to French radio are the citizens of France. Many Swiss, German, Belgium, Austrian, Spanish, Monaco, North Africa, Tunisia and Dutch listeners can receive French broadcasts and when I used to live in Dover (South UK) I used to listen to French radio....OK I can't speak French but I picked up some of the overall conversation and were learning by the day. I know French coffee shops that tuned to French AM radio to add authenticity to the place.

    It sucks.
    KK5R likes this.
  9. DL3RR

    DL3RR Ham Member QRZ Page

    A great shame - apparently the BBC are also on their last set of valves for the Radio 4 LW Transmitter, so I guess that service will go the same way within the not too distant future.
  10. NI4Y

    NI4Y Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Not likely as we have just gained 630m and we have a sizable allocation at 160m. In the US AM stations have filed for translators on FM in the 250w range. They then are allowed to broadcast on FM 24/7 even if they are a daytime only station or a 1w night time station. They can even file for translators in other cities and feed them via the internet. There is an entire ring of them around many of the college stations WUOG at U Of Ga is fighting with ones that are interfering with their signal.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2016
    KK5R likes this.
  11. KK5R

    KK5R Ham Member QRZ Page

    Regarding the desire to have "translators on FM" so the stations can transmit 24/7, this goes hand-in-hand with the computer companies building WiFi into laptops and promoting/selling streaming ability-capable computers. My virus checking/malware checking utilities warn against the streaming programs and the Flash programs as being a way into my computer and ask if I want to isolate/barricade them. The key element here is the user and commercial entities are going to do everything possible to reach the potential consumer.

    If ultimate privacy is desired, then no good to flag yourself as a "streamer" or you're asking for it. I'm sure there are many who say this is not entirely true but when they get an inbox filled with google-influenced trash, they haven't been there, yet. When you get a constantly running malware checker firing off several times a day, I guess that means you aren't forgotten, at least in the Cyberworld. The Delete key is nearly the most-often used key on my keyboard.
  12. HB9ASQ

    HB9ASQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Not only did France terminate some MW stations on 31 December, but so did Germany as well as the legendary Radio Luxembourg on 1440. This is all shortsighted as decided by bean-counting bureaucrats. Just as in the case of shortwave broadcasting, they will live to regret it.

    If the Internet powers that be don't like you, they just literally pull the plug on you. When that happens - and it already has - all that's left is SW and MW. But the bureaucrats just don't get it. The only thing on their minds is money. In this case, false savings.

    Fortunately, the military knows about the weaknesses of the Internet and satellite communication and maintains HF backup. At least somebody's thinking.

    Bob HB9ASQ
    Swiss Radio International, retired
    N7MTC, KK5R and KF7PCL like this.
  13. 2E0DED

    2E0DED Guest

    the bigger picture here is that they now have massive antenna masts 200, 300 and 500 foot tall doing nothing

    all i have to do is to work out a way to dismantle it, put it on the cars roof rack and drive it over the ferry and back home and then get the wife to agree i can have it in the back garden
    KC9ZHR, KD2AZI, N7MTC and 2 others like this.
  14. KF7PCL

    KF7PCL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Unfortunately it is the beginning of the end. That's a shame.

    There is nothing like BCB DXing. Not to mention it being much more reliable than FM or especially digital over long distances.

    Thankfully the US is late on the curve
    KK5R likes this.
  15. WA7PRC

    WA7PRC Ham Member QRZ Page

    As difficult as it would be to dismantle & transport even one massive antenna mast, I'm guessing convincing the wife to approve it will be insurmountable. :(;)
    KD2AZI, N7MTC, KK5R and 1 other person like this.

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