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RAC recommends Morse dropped, new exams.

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by WV2J, Oct 29, 2003.

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  1. K1LWI

    K1LWI Ham Member QRZ Page

    you are right pete ve3nix  ham radio going down  hill fast no code and next no exam just be a good buddy bands full 10-4 of lids what happen to ham radio ? i been lic 43 yrs  [​IMG]
  2. K1LWI

    K1LWI Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ve3nix @ Oct. 30 2003,18:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"That's a big 10-4, good buddy."  

    Really sad to see the hobby in decline. What's next:  a "no-exam" licence?

    ...Pete/VE3NIX  [​IMG][/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    you are right pete no code and no exam just give away the lic go to you local store buy the lic sears or k mart hi
  3. K3DAV

    K3DAV Ham Member QRZ Page

    OHHHHH PLEASE. WAKE UP!! Where do you guys get this stuff?

    Ham radio is doing just fine, and will continue to do just fine. The testing for a license will not go away. The CW subbands will not go away. CW will not go away. It's not going to be "10-4 good buddy" CB'ers. And the sky will stay up where it is now.

    Did you guys just pass over G8RLD's post? G8RLD just told us how dropping the CW requirement in the UK has been a positive change. All of the other countries that have dropped the CW requirement have reported the same results.

    Only in America can the big egos dream up so many ways to try and keep something good from happening to amateur radio. What a nice impression to give the world about American amateurs. The rest of the world must come to QRZ just for laughs and giggles.

    If there are any problems in this country when the FCC finally drops the Requirement, it won't be because of the new operators on HF. It will be because of the poor losers that got their big egos popped, and taking it out on the poor newbies who just want to talk and have a little fun.
  4. KI4CQG

    KI4CQG Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ve3nix @ Oct. 30 2003,18:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"That's a big 10-4, good buddy."  

    Really sad to see the hobby in decline. What's next:  a "no-exam" licence?

    ...Pete/VE3NIX  [​IMG][/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    Get over it. you still have to take a test to get a lic. All you little cry babbies out there think your special cause you have cw well your not!!!! Ham radio is a fun hobby lets keep it that way and grow up some!!!
  5. K0ZZE

    K0ZZE Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (K3DAV @ Nov. 21 2003,02:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OHHHHH PLEASE.  WAKE UP!!  Where do you guys get this stuff?

    Ham radio is doing just fine, and will continue to do just fine. The testing for a license will not go away.  The CW subbands will not go away. CW will not go away. It's not going to be "10-4 good buddy" CB'ers.  And the sky will stay up where it is now.

    Did you guys just pass over G8RLD's post? G8RLD just told us how dropping the CW requirement in the UK has been a positive change.  All of the other countries that have dropped the CW requirement have reported the same results.  

    Only in America can the big egos dream up so many ways to try and keep something good from happening to amateur radio.  What a nice impression to give the world about American amateurs.  The rest of the world must come to QRZ just for laughs and giggles.

    If there are any problems in this country when the FCC finally drops the Requirement, it won't be because of the new operators on HF.  It will be because of the poor losers that got their big egos popped, and taking it out on the poor newbies who just want to talk and have a little fun.[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    sad,but true!!! [​IMG]
  6. W8VOM

    W8VOM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Someone said:"There's nothing out there that lets you afford the energy to devote to studying morse code everyday unless you're retired, unemployed, or still in high school."

    Hmmmm ....well I worked 11 hours a day 6 days a week,also had 2 children,yard work and also did charity work. I simply MADE time to learn 13 wpm and so can you. more excuses..we make time for what we want to do! W8VOM
  7. KA4EMR

    KA4EMR Ham Member QRZ Page

    Code is most likely to get through when other modes fail. Competency is a useful backup skill to have, even if one *plans* to use 99.9% voice or computer modes. Five wpm is easy! Just Do It. You may be very glad some day that you have that skill tucked away under your belt. Btw, I went through each class, Novice to Extra, and have used 99.9% voice since going Tech in 1979. But I exercise it enough to keep in shape [​IMG] Ya never know when you'll need it. Chris, KA4EMR/9
  8. kcorbx

    kcorbx QRZ Member

    I believe that the code should be an alternative. They could require either a 5wpm test to get the general or the test taker could opt for a much tougher theory test. I personally am a technician (no-code). I believe that the ham service should be the same technically minded service which I believe is its real true roots, not code. The "dumbing down" of the American Ham is but a symptom of a much larger problem, the Dumbing Down of the American Citizen. And, oh, I want to do
  9. K3DAV

    K3DAV Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (w8vom @ Nov. 22 2003,00:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Someone said:"There's nothing out there that lets you afford the energy to devote to studying morse code everyday unless you're retired, unemployed, or still in high school."

    Hmmmm ....well I worked 11 hours a day 6 days a week,also had 2 children,yard work and also did charity work. I simply MADE time to learn 13 wpm and so can you. more excuses..we make time for what we want to do! W8VOM[/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    Your key word in the last sentance is, "WANT". The words "WE WANT" should be changed to, "IS NECESSARY". Only then, would your statement make any sense.

    Not everybody has the time for what we WANT. But we must make time for what is necessary. And knowledge of CW is NOT necessary to properly operate a radio, and be a good operator. This is a time proven fact, like it or not.

    We can argue this point til the end of time. And I'm sure many will pointlessly do just that. But the facts remain facts. To argue against a fact is impossible. Doing so only makes the attempt look foolish and ego driven. Like this entire topic has become.

    Why can't you guys just admit that, you had to learn it, and it ticks you off that within a year, nobody will have to learn. There can be no other reason for this debate to continue. I would respect your honesty. But to constantly make comparisons of CW knowledge to things that are not, and never will be absolutely necessary, represents dishonesty.

    The CW requirement WILL be dropped. This is also a fact that can't be argued. The FCC will have no choice in order to be on an equal level with the rest of the world. Think about the thousands of operators around the world that are on HF right now, and did not have to learn CW. Are you going to be idiots and snub them too?

    Isn't it time we end this stupidity, and start thinking about how to elmer the new guys, to make them do it right? Better yet. Let's start working on getting rid of BPL. On a list of threats to amateur radio, I would put CW at the very bottom, and BPL on top as #1 most dangerous to OUR hobby.
  10. W2WTF

    W2WTF Banned QRZ Page

    Now lets think about it, Morse code is frankly,.. well for lack of a better term NOT NECCARYAND CODE TESTING NEEDS TO BE DROPPED There I said it, now I’m going to be slammed by all the old timers with the attitude that "I had to do it, therefore you do too" <really progressive mode of thinking there> and told to crawl back under my rock, well that’s not going to happen. If age is a state of mind, and you subscribe to that mode of thinking, frankly you’re a fossil.  Being in my late 20's and a ham <yes a technician class, now you say ooohhhh he doesn’t know squat well clam up and listen, you might learn something so read on> First off I'm not too lazy to learn something like morse code I do plenty of studying, I hold two degrees and will soon be working on a third.< no they are not in English and yes I realize many of you are more educated than I am and I know my grammar stinks> What I do know is that I'm much more in touch with the younger generation then most of the rest of you.  <who the fate of ham radio really rest with when the rest of you are gone> Where I live it mostly seems like ham radio is a old mans club <break out the fez hats and go-carts its time for a parade> and if it stays that way ham radio will die with them. In this age if the internet, im’s, mobile messengers, direct connect phones and many other gizmos to choose from that are off the shelf ready why would many of the younger generation choose ham radio when these are cheaper and require no testing. <I’m not saying remove testing, just the CW part> 99% of people I talk with about ham radio automatically assume I know code, and many that express an interest in ham radio fear the "code barrier" and that prevents them from trying. Sometimes I get responses like “with the internet and phones and everything else why do people still use ham radios?” Guess what? No try = less hams. <and thats all of our loss>  Then comes the argument from the other side that cw is the cornerstone of ham radio <maybe to you but it makes my dog howl> and code gets through when most else won’t, well guess what?…..that’s right, digital modes can get through just as well as code can. You may plug in your paddle; I plug in my palm pilot.
    There are sooooooo <not enough space for oo’s for the amount of emphasis I’d like to place> many pluses to eliminating the CW testing, mainly MORE HAMS!!< no not the Christmas type either> Other benefits, more experimenters = new technologies, as well as a larger radio market that should bring lower prices and more products among other benefits.<simple economics 101> More of a voice with government and the FCC. <its not the louder we yell the more they listen, its the more of us that yell the more they listen>And of course, I feel is the most important, letting your children their children and their children enjoy ham radio.
    Ham radio will not become like 11m CB, we police ourselves and report violators as neccary, Its just that most of the younger crowd is not interested in CW, many of us would rather use packet, psk, sstv, fstv ect. for non-voice modes. Hey, keep CW testing for operation in the CW bands, if you don’t want to operate CW why should you be tested on it, test those who want to use it. Many of us just don’t have a use for it with all the other modes, and don’t want to learn something we won’t use.<we’ll just forget it like what we learned in art history>
    Lets face it in the "wireless" age, if our numbers decline the unused frequencies get re-allocated to those will PAY to use them (ex. 1.25m band.)  And with wireless congestion plenty of corporations would love to have spectrum in hf vhf and uhf.
    Ham radio needs to evolve, and lets face it WHAT DOES NOT EVOLVE TO ADAPT TO ITS ENVIROMENT DIES <--fact of life there… undeniable I can’t state that enough……………. (why do you think farmers use different pesticides every year?)

    Ok I’ve done enough rambling but I hope my scatter-brained 2am opinion makes it’s point and makes you think. Yes I know I’m sarcastic my parents remind of that every holiday, and my girlfriend reminds me daily, but sometimes that’s the best way to get through your cranium. Maybe you found this amusing or maybe offensive, I just hope I made my point and if this offends you do us all a favor and get over yourself…right here…right now. And if I did offent you good i got your attention. We all have opinions and a right to them. I may not like yours but I will respect it so respect mine. I welcome all replies from either side to this bulletin board and my e-mail   and maybe I’m even open to discussion if your willing to open your mind and see a different point of view………..73    Brad kg4foy

    ---minds are like parachutes, they only function when open  
    not sure who said it-but it’s a valid point.
    [​IMG]  [​IMG]
  11. K3DAV

    K3DAV Ham Member QRZ Page


    You make a very good point.  It all boils down to, "USE IT, OR LOSE IT.

    Unfortunately, everything you said will fly in one ear, and right out the other ear.  (Just like this post, because it dosen't agree with them.)  The pro coders know very well that you are correct.  But they are stuck in the same old rut. And it's killing them slowly knowing full well that they will not have it their way in the end.  So bashing no-coders is their last resort.

    They have no logical argument for keeping the CW requirement, and they know it.  This has been made evident by the hundreds of post that constantly keep comparing the MODE of CW, to something that is actually necessary to know in life.  There is now 4 ongoing threads on this same worn out subject that have ended a long time ago, but for the pathetic enjoyment of trolls, it just refuses to die.

    10 years from now, after the HF bands have gone on as it always has, and nothing bad has happened, QRZ will celebrate it's 1 billionth redundant post in this very thread by no-code haters.  Because they don't realize the war has been over for years, and nothing that they said would happen, actually happened.

    Sit tight, and get the popcorn ready. I'm about to be proven right.  Here comes more of the no-code bashing reruns. OK guys, we're ready.  Let the redundancy continue.
  12. K4MFD

    K4MFD Ham Member QRZ Page

    [​IMG] One question, if CW is so important to world peace as we know it today why is Amateur Radio the only radio service in the U.S. to require it's people to learn morse code???    [​IMG]

    CW is just another mode, let's treat it that way.
  13. KC0LDT

    KC0LDT Ham Member QRZ Page

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (kg4foy @ Dec. 11 2003,00:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">WHAT DOES NOT EVOLVE TO ADAPT TO ITS ENVIROMENT DIES!
    Now lets think about it, Morse code is frankly,.. well for lack of a better term NOT NECCARYAND CODE TESTING NEEDS TO BE DROPPED There I said it, now I’m going to be slammed by all the old timers with the attitude that "I had to do it, therefore you do too" <really progressive mode of thinking there> and told to crawl back under my rock, well that’s not going to happen. If age is a state of mind, and you subscribe to that mode of thinking, frankly you’re a fossil.  Being in my late 20's and a ham <yes a technician class, now you say ooohhhh he doesn’t know squat well clam up and listen, you might learn something so read on> First off I'm not too lazy to learn something like morse code I do plenty of studying, I hold two degrees and will soon be working on a third.< no they are not in English and yes I realize many of you are more educated than I am and I know my grammar stinks> What I do know is that I'm much more in touch with the younger generation then most of the rest of you.  <who the fate of ham radio really rest with when the rest of you are gone> Where I live it mostly seems like ham radio is a old mans club <break out the fez hats and go-carts its time for a parade> and if it stays that way ham radio will die with them. In this age if the internet, im’s, mobile messengers, direct connect phones and many other gizmos to choose from that are off the shelf ready why would many of the younger generation choose ham radio when these are cheaper and require no testing. <I’m not saying remove testing, just the CW part> 99% of people I talk with about ham radio automatically assume I know code, and many that express an interest in ham radio fear the "code barrier" and that prevents them from trying. Sometimes I get responses like “with the internet and phones and everything else why do people still use ham radios?” Guess what? No try = less hams. <and thats all of our loss>  Then comes the argument from the other side that cw is the cornerstone of ham radio <maybe to you but it makes my dog howl> and code gets through when most else won’t, well guess what?…..that’s right, digital modes can get through just as well as code can. You may plug in your paddle; I plug in my palm pilot.
    There are sooooooo <not enough space for oo’s for the amount of emphasis I’d like to place> many pluses to eliminating the CW testing, mainly MORE HAMS!!< no not the Christmas type either> Other benefits, more experimenters = new technologies, as well as a larger radio market that should bring lower prices and more products among other benefits.<simple economics 101> More of a voice with government and the FCC. <its not the louder we yell the more they listen, its the more of us that yell the more they listen>And of course, I feel is the most important, letting your children their children and their children enjoy ham radio.
    Ham radio will not become like 11m CB, we police ourselves and report violators as neccary, Its just that most of the younger crowd is not interested in CW, many of us would rather use packet, psk, sstv, fstv ect. for non-voice modes. Hey, keep CW testing for operation in the CW bands, if you don’t want to operate CW why should you be tested on it, test those who want to use it. Many of us just don’t have a use for it with all the other modes, and don’t want to learn something we won’t use.<we’ll just forget it like what we learned in art history>
    Lets face it in the "wireless" age, if our numbers decline the unused frequencies get re-allocated to those will PAY to use them (ex. 1.25m band.)  And with wireless congestion plenty of corporations would love to have spectrum in hf vhf and uhf.
    Ham radio needs to evolve, and lets face it WHAT DOES NOT EVOLVE TO ADAPT TO ITS ENVIROMENT DIES <--fact of life there… undeniable I can’t state that enough……………. (why do you think farmers use different pesticides every year?)

    Ok I’ve done enough rambling but I hope my scatter-brained 2am opinion makes it’s point and makes you think. Yes I know I’m sarcastic my parents remind of that every holiday, and my girlfriend reminds me daily, but sometimes that’s the best way to get through your cranium. Maybe you found this amusing or maybe offensive, I just hope I made my point and if this offends you do us all a favor and get over yourself…right here…right now. And if I did offent you good i got your attention. We all have opinions and a right to them. I may not like yours but I will respect it so respect mine. I welcome all replies from either side to this bulletin board and my e-mail   and maybe I’m even open to discussion if your willing to open your mind and see a different point of view………..73    Brad kg4foy

    ---minds are like parachutes, they only function when open  
    not sure who said it-but it’s a valid point.
    [​IMG]  [​IMG][/QUOTE]<span id='postcolor'>
    [​IMG] Way to go!! That says it!!

    Also, I am learning the Bible through and through as the Lord Jesus is more important and the Word will last forever and i can take that knowledge to Heaven, why waste time on morse code, when I am not going to use it for anything. [​IMG]
  14. M3FGO

    M3FGO Ham Member QRZ Page

    if they drop morse, what will they drop next ? the exam it's self ?

  15. K3DAV

    K3DAV Ham Member QRZ Page

    Earth to James. Earth to James. It's time to come back to the real world now.

    After they drop the code, next they will drop the exam itself.
    Next they will let people drive cars without a license.
    Next they will let teachers teach without going to collage.
    Next they will let 5th graders operate Nuclear power plants.
    Next they will let auto mechanics deliver babies, and let doctors fix cars.
    Next they will let jet planes land on major interstate highways during rush hour.
    Next they will replace the air with helium so we can all talk funny.
    The sky is going to fall down on us and kill us all..........

    All of the above statements have one thing in common.
    They are stupid, and will never happen.
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