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Question about QRZ ?

Discussion in 'QRZ XML Logbook Data' started by K8NIV, Jun 17, 2022.

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  1. K8NIV

    K8NIV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I had worked a guy on Wednesday evening, which the UTC time rolled over to 6-17-22, and noticed right after I worked him, his log book shows the contact was confirmed, but in mine which is with, it didn't show confirmed, and still today mine don't show it is, why is this ?

    Is just this slow?....

    This isn't the only time a Qso hasn't been confirmed just like to no what's the deal with this, thanks John
  2. KP4SX

    KP4SX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Your information must match. I don't see how he could have it confirmed otherwise while you don't.
    Something is missing here.
    BTW, Wednesday evening UTC rolled over to 6-16 not 6-17
  3. K8NIV

    K8NIV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I understand what your saying, only thing maybe different is the time and that would be minutes different all I see, I added him in my log book after we finished the Qso....after I worked him, I looked at his logbook it showed our qso, and all info was same I have n my logbook, but didn't show his UTC time.....I just thought I'd ask about this, just to see if I was missing something, don't mean any harm or anything toward qrz....

    The contact that was made in my log book it shows this, Date 6-17-22, UTC Time 00:03, his call EC1DD, and band and frequency, ect you no....
  4. K8VHL

    K8VHL Moderator Emeritus Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Let's get the facts first. Was the QSO Wednesday or Thursday night? Today, 6/17/22 is Friday. Is your QSO time beginning or end of QSO? There's a 30 minute leeway in the time matching. Thursday the 16th at 8:03 pm (20:03) your time is Friday the 17th 00:03 UTC. Was it last night (Thursday) and do you remember talking to him around that time and about how long was that conversation? He's in UTC +1. How do you know his logbook showed it confirmed? I can't see that on his logbook. Can you give us a screen shot of your and his logbook? A little more info and we can help you figure it out.
    KP4SX likes this.
  5. KP4SX

    KP4SX Ham Member QRZ Page

  6. K8NIV

    K8NIV XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Qso was on Thursday evening, 6-16-22....sorry I did have the wrong day on here, but it was Thursday evening, this is the time qso started .2022-06-17 00:03:00 UTC

    How I seen it in his log, he has his logbook on his page so when you go to qrz and look his call sign up, you see his info, and his logbook also shows up there..
  7. KP4SX

    KP4SX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Is that log he's showing from the QRZ Logbook?
    What's his call?
  8. KP4SX

    KP4SX Ham Member QRZ Page

    K8NIV - You are not seeing EC1DD's QRZ log. On his page is the HRDLogbook.
    It doesn't appear that EC1DD uses the QRZ logbook and that's why you can't get a confirmation.
    K8NIV and K8VHL like this.
  9. K3UJ

    K3UJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Look at EC1DD's QRZ page. A lot of QRZ awards, so he does use QRZ log.

    His bio page shows his log. When you put in K8NIV in the search, you show up.

  10. KP4SX

    KP4SX Ham Member QRZ Page

    But that is not the QRZ Logbook.
    Although he has the QRZ awards there is no Logbook tab in that blue area. Maybe he quit using it or something?
    I've worked him twice and he's in my QRZ Logbook but those confirmations came from LoTW.
  11. K3UJ

    K3UJ Ham Member QRZ Page

    I missed the missing tab.

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