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QSO Today with Linas Balsys, LY2H

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by 4Z1UG, Mar 14, 2024.

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  1. 4Z1UG

    4Z1UG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page


    Linas Balsys, LY2H, now hosts a YouTube channel on amateur radio, field operations, QRP, and operating CW. Growing up in Lithuania, becoming one of the country’s best known news correspondents, a member of the Lithuanian Parliament, now enjoys CW and digital modes from his ham radio van or electric bicycle in nature operating parks, hill forts, and castles on the air. LY2H tells his ham radio story in this QSO Today.

    Listen Here:
    KE0CYN, VE3VYT, K8LJM and 9 others like this.
  2. KF5VDX

    KF5VDX XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    That’s a great mobile/portable setup….comfortable seats are very nice working radio for any length of time. Everyone should operate portable, it’s a good way to practice emergency communication techniques, field day practice and enjoy the time outside. I operate portable almost daily and work a lot of Dx from our local bayside all with meager antennas and low power. Hope to see more folks operating from mobile platforms. 73 and hope to see you soon in my logs. 73 Garry KF5VDX
    VE3VYT, AK5B, KF7PCL and 3 others like this.
  3. LU5EEB

    LU5EEB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Wow! Congratulations!
  4. KN7Y

    KN7Y Ham Member QRZ Page

    Mobile / Portable set up operating from our 2017 Tacoma. A 12.8V 100aH LiFePO4 battery sits behind me on the floor. Next to that is a 30aH battery and an with an inverter under the seat, this second battery keeps my laptop charged. The mount is a custom Ram Mount with laptop table, and I just received a small table that will bolt to the side for the key.

    Attached Files:

  5. KE2AXD

    KE2AXD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Labas Linai,
    Andrius KE2AXD
    Kaip susisiekti?
    AS NJ

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