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QSO Today - Episode 38 - Tim Duffy - K3LR - Dayton Hamvention Amateur of the Year

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by 4Z1UG, Apr 20, 2015.

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  1. 4Z1UG

    4Z1UG Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Tim Duffy, K3LR owns and operates one of the most prestigious amateur radio contest stations in the United States with twelve operating positions, two for each band. Tim shares his ham radio journey, beginning with his Quaker Oats crystal set, through his early entry into ham radio as a twelve year old, to a career in cellular telephony and wireless, and culminating in his position as COO of DX Engineering, one of the premier suppliers of ham radio gear. He is this year's Dayton Hamvention Amateur of the Year. Join Tim and Eric, 4Z1UG in their QSO Today.

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  2. K3LRH

    K3LRH Ham Member QRZ Page

    .......I get mistaken for K3LR all the time. It must be my mighty 30 watt signal from a wire up in the trees. I only have one operating position, but guests are always welcome. :D 73 K3LRH

    p.s. congrats Tim!
  3. KB8NUF

    KB8NUF Ham Member QRZ Page

    I disagree with this. I have been in numerous cw contests with this station. This station will consistently send and reply at 30+ words a minute, no matter what speed the contacting station sends. I have heard many a 'qrs' request go either unnoticed or ignored by the operators of this station. A GOOD ham will reply at the same or at least close to their contacting station.
  4. K0HWY

    K0HWY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Congratulations, Tim. I've worked operators from your station on at least a couple of occasions.
  5. VE3YF

    VE3YF Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Congrats Tim. Hard work and time have paid off. Always a pleasure to work your station in the contests..

    73 De Mike
  6. N8MSA

    N8MSA Ham Member QRZ Page

    So many issues...

    - The award is for Tim, and not his station. Dozens of different people operate from that station and it's rarely obvious who the operator is at any given moment. You are, in effect, impugning Tim for not forcing the people using his station to lose points during the contest, as...
    - Very few people slow down in contests...because it's a contest. Most stations running a frequency won't spend a lot of time trying pull an S1 station out of a calling pileup - for exactly the same reason.

    Perhaps, given the above, this isn't the place to complain about this.
  7. K0UO

    K0UO Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Congratulations well deserved, and it's true it is not just the contest station, this it is for all his accomplishments.
    Besides being a great asset for ham radio and a top operator, Tim has had a very accomplished professional career. In fact his professional career has also brought others into our hobby.
    K0UO Steve

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