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QSL manager VP6DI 2002 ? [Help]

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by PA4WM, Mar 15, 2018.

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  1. PA4WM

    PA4WM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi All,

    I hope someone can help me with this one...

    I have worked and confirmed VP6DI, but a 12m qso was unfortunately logged with an incorrect callsign.
    Would like to send a mail to the current QSL manager, but have been unlucky to find him.
    On the internet are different QSL managers listed over the years. AI4U and VE3HO pop up, but neither of them is still managing VP6DI.
    I believe JA1BK was leading this DXpedition, but I have no idea if he has the logs. No email address to ask either.

    Does anyone have more information on who has the logs an can supply confirmation?

    73, Martin PA4WM

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