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QRZ Criticized Over Refusal to List K1MAN

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by AA7BQ, Nov 3, 2004.


QRZ Criticized Over Refusal to List K1MAN - Give us your opinion

  1. Yes, I support QRZ's decision to de-list K1MAN

  2. No, QRZ should list K1MAN and his viewpoints

    0 vote(s)
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  1. WX4QN

    WX4QN Ham Member QRZ Page

    Hi Fred,

    The contents of the email you received from me regarding Mr. Baxter's amateur callsign on QRZ is being confirmed by the above posts. Thankyou for the exemplary conduct and integrity you have demonstrated.  

    Bob  WD4AWO
  2. KZ8O

    KZ8O Guest

    Hello everyone im glad to see all the posts about the bagdad boobcaster ive been after this fool for about two years. Well he has made a big mistake now and hes going to pay big time ill keep ya all posted watch the arrl enforcement letters comming soon. check this link
    >< type in nd8v and read all about the boobcaster.

    73 nd8v
  3. N9CJT

    N9CJT Ham Member QRZ Page

    One common cause of such behavioral changes is dementia. For reasons ranging from Alzheimers and other senile dementias to toxic dementia due to xenoestrogens from microwaving food in plastic containers, the brain is damaged and ceases to function in a rational manner. As symptoms become more severe, incarceration in some form is often required. The form chosen by is a wholly appropriate response to the specific behaviors Glen has displayed.
  4. K1EEA

    K1EEA Ham Member QRZ Page

    I'm trying to understand his broadcast schedule.  This is copied text from his web page:

    New K1MAN daily bulletin service schedule: 3.977 LSB and 14.275 MHz.
    USB from 8:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M and from 11 P.M. to 6:18 P.M the
    following day. 3.890 MHz. amplitude modulation from 6:23 P.M. to
    8:00 P.M and from 9:30 P.M. to 11:00 P.M.

    Does this mean that he is broadcasting from 23:00 (11:00P.M.) to 18:18 (6:18P.M.)?  Wouldn't that mean that he is broadcasting for 19 hours and 18 minutes on 3.977LSB and 14.275MHz.  That seems like a lot of time for a radio show.  Is this legal to be broadcasting on two frequencies at the same time, not even considering the fact that he is transmitting one way communications?  Why can't the FCC take care of this guy once and for all?

    If you haven't guessed already, I think has every right to ban this guy from their web site, as they have the right to ban anybody.  It's a PRIVATELY OWNED AND OPERATED forum.  This web site has nothing to do with "freedom of speech".  It's free provided that it fits in the context of the forum and as long as the owners of the forum decide not to cut you off.  If they don't like you, good bye.  They most definately have that right.

    As far as K1MAN, in my opinion, he is a poor example of an amateur radio operator.  Why does ANYBODY need to take that much spectrum for that much time?  Giving an occaisional "QST" is one thing.  Trying to have your own radio "talk show" on the amateur bands is just plain wrong, inconsiderate, and stupid.  Just my opinion...  If you hate the ARRL, there are plenty of more constructive ways to go about your protest then to take away radio spectrum and enjoyment of the hobby from others.

    Again, just my opinion.  But my question remains, why can't the FCC just revoke this guy's license?

  5. K4KIO

    K4KIO Ham Member QRZ Page

    There seems to be virtual unanimity on K1MAN's participation in QRZ and add me to that concensus. But I would like to see some discussion on how he can be gotten off the air. Clearly, informal complaints to the FCC staff have not been effective.

    Would it be legally feasible to file a formal complaint that would force the FCC to follow its own procedures?

    How about filing a lawsuit against him on the malicious interference issue vis-a-vis the boy scout incident or something similar? If he were faced with some kind of punitive judgement, maybe he would decide to settle by leaving the airwaves. I would be willing to contribute to a fund to support such an effort.

    Are there other approaches that are legal and effective?

     [​IMG] Leo
  6. KC2EGL

    KC2EGL Ham Member QRZ Page

    The constitution of the United States gives us the basic freedom of speech. This DOES NOT give us the freedom to voice our opinions when and where-ever we wish. This is a private forum. Those who own it can set their rules and regulations to the operation of this site.
    If you do not want to hear (or read) what someone has to say then don't listen. There is no law that states you must listen to someones opinion nor allow it to be published in your forum if you do not desire.
    You have the right to write the op-ed page of any newspaper you desire. They have the right to NOT publish your opinion if they find that it does not suit their publication.

  7. K8SWL

    K8SWL Ham Member QRZ Page

    K1BOY needs to go back to law school and learn that private property (QRZ.COM) is exactly that "private property". He has no rights here unless the owner chooses to include him. For his general information, I won't allow him in my list of contacts on my computer. Nor will I put him on my Christmas Card list. Does that mean I am discriminating?

    Give me a break.....
  8. N9VO

    N9VO XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Let the votes speak. Even W didnt get over 96%. K1Boy needs help. We all need to pray for him!
  9. W5JON

    W5JON Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    There is one thing I am sure of, come next year when it is time for Mr. Baxter to renew his license, he will not have more "lawyers", "money", or "time" then the US Government. Just ask FZ.

    So Mr. Baxter have a fun year ..... then stand by..... literally.


    John W5JON
  10. KB1GYQ

    KB1GYQ Ham Member QRZ Page

    Screw W1MAN. I sometimes don't agree with AA7BQ, but it's his site to do with as he wants, and W1MAN is a spoiled brat - if he wants advertizing, let him pay for it.
  11. NJ9M

    NJ9M XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    As a newly licensed ham (but not new to amateur radio) I applaud Fred's decision.  Free speech is all well and good but outright defiance of the FCC and the rules and regulations of the Amateur Radio service must never be tolerated.  If we can't police our own. the FCC will terminate our service.  None of us want that.  Amatuer radio is a privilege not a right.
  12. nx6d

    nx6d Guest

    I think delisting the guy and his links is a good idea.

    He's obviously got some issues...

    My only disconnect is AA7BQ responding to the posting.  Why bother? The guy's obviously whacked. We've now seen his website posted here and his broadcast schedule reprinted on this site. He gets a bunch of free publicity and the jollies that so many people dislike him.

    I should have followed my own advice and not posted about this topic either...

    I think we as amateurs spend far too much time getting wrapped around the axle about "bad actors". Guys like this station love the attention, and will continue to do what they do if we continue to respond...

  13. NA4IT

    NA4IT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Recent picture seen at FCC office:
  14. KG4ZYY

    KG4ZYY Ham Member QRZ Page

    I heard him on the radio the other day and was left with the impression that he was broadcasting. This is a violation, I believe, of the FCC rules as it applies to amateurs. Why does the FCC let him get away with that?
  15. WD8OQX

    WD8OQX Ham Member QRZ Page

    Rules are for a reason - can't follow the rules? You don't play! Even very small children get this....(& they'll tell you, too)
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