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POTA Family: Kerri KB3WAV + Ray KC3RW

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by W1DED, Jun 7, 2023.

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  1. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Rain or shine, Kerri KB3WAV activated a park every day in 2022. She was one of only a handful of ham radio operators who accomplished this feat. Kerri and her husband, Ray KC3RW, are so well known on the air that they are asked regularly to present at club meetings, attend meetups and even managed the Parks on the Air presence at the 2023 Dayton Hamvention. Ray and Kerri refer to family a lot in conversation whether it be their own shared interest as one of ham radio's rare husband-wife operator teams, their son-in-laws that they encouraged to get their tickets, or the larger ham radio community that have become their extended family. If you're an active ham, there is a significant likelihood that one or both are in your logs. (QRZ notes that KB3WAV has been looked up over 140,000 times!)
    KN4OK, KN8PPY, K4GDJ and 10 others like this.
  2. AE8EM

    AE8EM Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Funny aside, I have Kerri in my log 10 times. The most recent Wednesday 6/7/23. Ray and I have had 0 contacts. Thanks for all that you both due with POTA.
    Kevin, thanks for another great interview. Oh and we also have 6 POTA contacts between us.
    POTA ON!
    Bill KE8RZS
    W1NPE, W9TNC, W1DED and 1 other person like this.
  3. W1DED

    W1DED Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thank you, Bill! For watching and the 6 q's.
    W1NPE likes this.
  4. KC3QQD

    KC3QQD Ham Member QRZ Page

    I try to never miss a chance to make a PTOA contact with Kerri or Ray!

    Quack Quack Duck
    Erik- KC3QQD
    W1NPE and W1DED like this.
  5. N0GDB

    N0GDB XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I thought Ken had a snake on his chest. It was a cat tale...
    W1DED likes this.
  6. SO5CAL

    SO5CAL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    In the log 2 times.
    Good Job Kerri. Thanks for nice all contacts and until the next one
    73 Arek SO5CAL
  7. KJ4EJM

    KJ4EJM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Currently have logged 27 POTA contacts with Kerri KB3WAV and 13 with Ray KC3RW. Always a pleasure to log a POTA contact with either of these two. POTA on my friends.
  8. W3BAY

    W3BAY XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I've had the great pleasure to get Kerri 59 times and Ray 14 times in my log. Not to mention I've gotten Kevin 5 times. :) But the most fun was last summer when Kerri, Ray and I ended up accidentally camping and activating Assateague State Park on the same campground loop. Also got to stop and chat at Hamcation this year. Great folks that I always look forward to working at every opportunity.
  9. W7CHW

    W7CHW Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for the enjoyable interview.

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