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Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by NF7E, Jan 17, 2024.

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  1. NF7E

    NF7E Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    w7p-front-2024 C.jpg

    Year Four of the 100th Anniversary 10-Year Countdown Special Event. -------------The 94th Anniversary is 10-18 February, 2024 (UTC)-----------

    The Northern Arizona DX Association will be continuing with year four of the 10-year special event countdown to the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Pluto by Clyde Tombaugh at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. This annual 9-day event is held each February through the 2030 anniversary. This year's event will take place February 10-18, 2024 (UTC).

    Club members will be operating from Lowell Observatory and their home QTHs using the special event callsign W7P. Again, this will feature a new QSL card. The annual cards have subjects centered around Clyde Tombaugh, his discovery, the moons of Pluto, some of his early telescopes, lenses used, etc., with lots of great information.

    The beautiful color certificate suitable for framing, with endorsement stickers four each year worked during the event, will be available.

    Doug Tombaugh (N3PDT), Clyde Tombaugh's nephew, will be operating during the event as W7P/0 and a contact with Dough or his team counts as an additional endorsement on the certificate that can be used as a wild card for any previous year.

    Club members will be operating on as many bands and modes as time and conditions permit. The annual QSL cards, the event certificate, and more can be found at
    KO4RUL, N8FQY, KX4O and 9 others like this.
  2. W5ESE

    W5ESE Ham Member QRZ Page

    Lowell observatory is well worth a visit.
    KJ7YYI, WJ2L, N8QQE and 2 others like this.
  3. K6CLS

    K6CLS Ham Member QRZ Page

    What a great operation!

    After New Horizons, Pluto turned out to be a lot more interesting than anyone suspected.
    2W0LVE, KC3HMB, N4BRJ and 7 others like this.
  4. VK6HIL

    VK6HIL Ham Member QRZ Page

    About 19 years ago my wife who ran a hospital ward in Epsom in the UK looked after a lovely elderly lady who it was whispered by the staff that she had named the planet Pluto. My wife was somewhat sceptical and asked me. She was shocked when I asked her if the lady's name was Venetia Burney.

    Venetia didn't live long enough to see New Horizon's reach Pluto and the stunning images but she did watch the liftoff of the mission on Television. She did however have an instrument named in her honour on the spacecraft and was given a model of it also.

    By all accounts she was very pleasant and downplayed her role in such a momentous discovery.

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2024
    KB1MM, W1CZX, KD2TTM and 23 others like this.
  5. YD1DLM

    YD1DLM Ham Member QRZ Page

  6. W9JEF/SK2025

    W9JEF/SK2025 QRZ Lifetime Member #571 Platinum Subscriber Life Member QRZ Page

    All due respect to Neil deGrasse Tyson and the IAU; but in my heart, Pluto will always be our Solar System's 9th planet. :cool:

    May 1, 1930: Pluto gets a name
    On May 1 in the year 1930, 11-year-old Venetia Burney in Oxford, England, received £5 for her clever suggestion of the name Pluto for a little world at the outer reaches of our solar system. At the time, Pluto was considered our solar system’s outermost and newest planet.

    The story began earlier that year, when Clyde W. Tombaugh – an assistant at the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona – discovered Pluto on February 18, 1930.

    How Pluto got its name | Human World | EarthSky

    KB1MM, K3RW, W7EDC and 7 others like this.
  7. N2PRD

    N2PRD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Was there in June of 2023! 100% agree! Worth the visit!
    W5ESE likes this.
  8. N0KTM

    N0KTM Ham Member QRZ Page

    Known about Clyde Tombaugh for most of my life. I grew up in rural Livingston County, IL and went to school with a couple of his relatives. I even sold my house to one of them when I moved from Streator, IL to Springfield, MO.
    N3PDT and HB9EPC like this.
  9. WJ2L

    WJ2L Ham Member QRZ Page

    Pluto might be small but so are other orbs circling the Sun. I'm used to thinking of it as a planet. If we send space craft for observation and flybys it must be worthy of some category. A lesser planet?
    A planatoid? Ah do not know what to call it but i am glad for the special event! So I hope i work the SE.
    HB9EPC, YD1DLM, VU2JO and 1 other person like this.
  10. AD7SK

    AD7SK Ham Member QRZ Page

    It's a planet to me.

    Neil DeGrasse Tyson can just go give another planetarium tour, that over-hyped docent.
    W1CZX, N7DBI, KC3HMB and 4 others like this.
  11. N5OT

    N5OT Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great post about all. It was tough to take when they demoted Pluto. Life: ruined. I can't resist commenting on how excellent it is that they used a boxing glove as a headache remedy in the photo. Clonking your head on that counterweight shaft would wreck your day.

    It looks like a very fine observatory.
    WJ2L likes this.
  12. N6BIS

    N6BIS Ham Member QRZ Page

    NDGT had nothing to do with the "demotion" (reclassification) of Pluto, although he supports it. If you want to blame any one person, go after Mike Brown, who pushed for a reevaluation of small solar system objects with the IAU (which did the actual reclassification) after he and his team started finding ones that appeared to be larger than Pluto.

    Tyson once did an episode of "Nova" about Pluto in which he not only visited Lowell Observatory (I agree, well worth a visit!) but also Clyde Tombaugh's adopted hometown in New Mexico and his hometown in Illinois. In NM, Tyson interviewed Tombaugh's widow and children, showing great respect for Tombaugh's accomplishments. Then in Illinois, he set up a scene that made fun of his own role in promoting the reclassification. He goes into a barbershop, and the barber puts a razor to his neck and says, "So how do you feel about Pluto, Dr. Tyson?" :)

    For the record, I grew up with Pluto as a planet and haven't fully accepted the reclassification myself, but I understand why it was done. All that quibbling aside, it's great that the NADXA is doing this decade-long event to celebrate what was indeed a major accomplishment in astronomy!
    W9JEF/SK2025, AI6IN, WJ2L and 3 others like this.
  13. AD7SK

    AD7SK Ham Member QRZ Page

    Acquiescence is guilt.
    KC3HMB likes this.
  14. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    If I remember correct, she was a 11 year old kid when the name she suggested through her teacher got selected as the official name!
    HB9EPC, VK6HIL and WJ2L like this.
  15. VU2JO

    VU2JO Ham Member QRZ Page

    I think it is designated as 'Dwarf planet' currently.
    WJ2L and W9JEF/SK2025 like this.

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