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Pearl Harbor Day Memorial Crossband Operation From Battleship IOWA’s NEPM

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by W6HB, Oct 25, 2021.

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  1. W6HB

    W6HB Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    With operating authorization from the Navy’s 3rd Fleet Spectrum Manager, Battleship IOWA Amateur Radio Association, Inc. and the IOWA’s Innovation and Engineering Team will activate the ship’s legacy Navy call sign, NEPM, on December 7, 2021 in memory of Pearl Harbor Day. Operation will be from 1600 to 2359 UTC.

    NEPM will TRANSMIT on 14781.5 KHz using J3E USB and listen on 14343.0 KHz J3E USB. Amateurs are reminded that they may NOT transmit on 14781.5 KHz. If there is traffic on 14343.0 KHz, the NEPM operator will advise of an alternate frequency where he is listening.

    QSL’s will be available if a SASE is provided. NEPM, NI6BB. or NE6PM are all listed on and any route will get your request to the QSL manager. Please visit BIARA’s website at for more information about radio operations aboard the Battleship IOWA soon to be the home of the National Museum of the Surface Navy.
    K5SLO and KA0HCP like this.

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