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PanCAN Special Event

Discussion in 'General Announcements' started by N6AQ, Feb 10, 2023.

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  1. N6AQ

    N6AQ Platinum Subscriber Platinum Subscriber QRZ Page

    MARK YOUR CALENDAR! April 29th 2023

    This event intends to raise awareness of the many programs for patients of pancreatic cancer, as well as, how PanCAN also supports research studies that focus on eliminating this deadly cancer. I will be participating as one of the stations, my special events call will be N4P. I look forward to making a contact with you!!

    If you are interested in activating a special event station or participating with logistincs in this great event and cause please join us in our PanCAN group at

    Thank you

    73 & Great DX

    Frank N6AQ
    W9EBE likes this.

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