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Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1366

Discussion in 'Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events' started by KB8NW, Jun 3, 2018.

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  1. KB8NW

    KB8NW Ham Member QRZ Page

    SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.1366
    Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1366

    The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
    DX Bulletin No. 1366
    BID: $OPDX.1366
    June 4, 2018
    Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
    Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
    Written/Sent from Strongsville, Ohio

    Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
    Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters
    Network, NJ1Q & W1AW, N2OO, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX, AA6RE,
    KC7V, K8GI, K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m DX News, N0JK, DL1SBF, DL7UXG & The DX
    News Letter,,, DX-World.Net, ES1CW, F5NQL, F6AJA
    & Les Nouvelles DX, HA1AG, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News, I2MQP & DX Italia
    News, IW3RUA, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, Sixitalia Weekly, VA2BK and VA3RJ
    & ICPO for the following DX information.

    DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
    week of Sunday, 27th/May, through Sunday, 3rd/June there were 213 countries
    active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L, 4S, 4U1I,
    4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5T, 5W, 5Z, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M2,
    9M6, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C5, CE, CE0Y,
    CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, DL, DU, E4, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8,
    EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, F, FG, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR,
    FW, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, H4, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HC8, HH, HI, HK,
    HK0/a, HL, HP, HR, HS, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J7, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K,
    KG4, KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK,
    OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ7, PY, PZ, R1FJ, S0, S5, S7, S9,
    SM, SP, SU, SV, SV/a, SV5, SV9, T5, T7, TA, TF, TG, TI, TJ, TK, TR, TU,
    TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V3, V5, V6, V8, VE, VK, VK0M, VK9L, VP2E,
    VP2M, VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XZ, YA, YB, YI, YJ, YL, YN, YO,
    YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, Z6, Z8, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS

    * PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
    more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
    First Worry Later".

    4K6, AZERBAIJAN. Operators David/DL7ZM and Boris/4K4K, along with a
    team from/at the Nasir al-Din al-Tusi Shemakhi Astrophysical Observatory
    (1500m asl, LN40HS), will be active as 4K6/DL7ZM between July 1-10th.
    Activity will be 6 meters only using CW, SSB and FT8; with 100 watts,
    7 and 3 element yagi and a noise cancelling system. QSL via AD0PY direct.

    C2, NAURU (6M EME DXpedition). Lance, W7GJ, reported last week of the
    following: I apologize for the delay in getting back to after posting
    the poll last fall asking for the "most wanted" locations for a 6m EME
    DXpedition.. I was dissuaded from Lord Howe Island and the Solomon Islands
    because I located other operators who are still hoping to activate those
    on 6m EME. I had hoped to activate T2, but after 5 months of waiting for
    a confirmation on an operating site there, I decided to move forward with
    an alternate location for this year. I know C2 wasn't even on the poll
    because at the time I felt it was too difficult and too expensive to pull
    off successfully. However, when T2 was not moving forward, I decided to
    put my energies toward making Nauru work anyway, since it is so rare on
    6m in Regions 1 and 2.
    It is understandable why it is so rare. There are no longer any active
    hams there, it is expensive and difficult to get to, and it is very ex-
    pensive to stay there. On top of that, there are very few places to set
    up a serious EME operation. However, I think I have found what appears
    to be a very favorable operating site (although there are still unknowns
    regarding exact available antenna space, and local electrical noise) on
    the northeast corner of the island overlooking the ocean on moonrise.
    Because of its location, I will have moonrise at the same time as moonset
    in much of western Europe, and I should be able to work the rest of central
    and eastern Europe and Africa during their moonrise while I am elevated.
    My only common moon with Region 2 will be during my moonrise or while I
    am elevated. As usual, I will be posting a detailed planned operating
    schedule on my web site as soon as I can, but I wanted to get this formal
    announcement out as soon as I could. I had just been waiting for the VISA,
    license processing and airline tickets to be in hand before making a formal
    The details available so far are on my Web site here: 2018.htm
    With the great increase in 6m digital activity using WSJT modes, I hope
    there will be many new 6m stations interested to try 6m EME on JT65A mode.
    Please read the instructions on the above web page to make sure you operate
    following the procedures I have outlined! I do expect to be able to access
    the internet on a regular basis, so will be updating my web page with
    status updates as well as stations worked. I will have trouble elevating
    above 50 degrees, so for best results, please try to catch me when my
    moon is lower than that. I also may try to operate some FT8 on 20m with
    the barefoot FT857 near the end of the trip after the optimum days for
    6m EME operation have passed.
    GL to all, and I look forward to being able to hand out an ATNO with
    virtually every half million mile contact! More info to come..."

    C8T MOZAMBIQUE DXPEDITION VIDEO. A video on the May 2018 C8T Mozambique
    DXpedition by the Lions DX Team is now available on The video
    was taken by Olivier, ON7EI, and is 11:26 minutes long. To view it, go to:

    DXCC'S MOST WANTED (ClubLog). The "DXCC Most Wanted" entities list has
    been updated on ClubLog as of May 28th. The list contain 340 entities
    and here are the top 10 entities:
    1. P5 DPRK (North Korea) 6. CE0X San Felix Islands
    2. 3Y/B Bouvet Island 7. BV9P Pratas Island
    3. FT5/W Crozet Island 8. KH7K Kure Island
    4. BS7H Scarborough Reef 9. KH3 Johnston Island
    5. KH1 Baker Howland Islands 10. VK0M Macquarie Island

    The complete "DXCC Most Wanted" entities list is available at:

    DXCC NEWS. It has been reported that the recent 9M0W Spratly Island DX-
    pedition has received DXCC approval. The 9M0W team has also received
    their LoTW certificate and will soon be uploading all QSOs that have
    been requested through ClubLog's OQRS and any direct requests.

    EL, LIBERIA. Col, MM0NDX, plans to return to Liberia later this year
    (or early 2019) and will again be active as EL2EL. Full info will be
    forthcoming as plans develop.

    FO, FRENCH POLYNESIA (Reminder). Walter, HB9XBG, will be active as FO/HB9XBG
    from Bora Bora (OC-067) between June 7-17th. Activity will be on 20 meters
    SSB only. QSL via his home callsign.

    GB6, ENGLAND (Reminder/Special Event). Radio stations from around the
    world will exchange greetings with GB6GEO over the airwaves at the English
    Riviera Global Geopark during the special communications weekend between
    June 9-10th. The special event station will transmit live from Kent's
    Cavern, Torquay, right in the heart of the English Riviera Global Geopark.
    Using a special event callsign GB6GEO will establish contact with other
    radio stations around Britain, Europe and the World from the English
    Riviera Geopark.
    GB6GEO will also make contact with radio stations transmitting from
    within other Global Geoparks. There are other operators around the world
    using the GEO based callsign as part of the Geoparks Communication Week-
    end. GB6GEO will establish contact with some of these over the communi-
    cations event weekend.
    GeoparkCertificate -- For amateur radio stations/SWL's around the world
    who contacted/heard Geopark stations, the English Riviera Geopark is
    offering a special commemorative European Geoparks Network radio amateur
    certificate for contacts with GB6GEO (instant qualifier), or two Geopark
    stations excluding GB6GEO. (the award will also apply to SWL's on a heard
    basis). This certificate, is endorsed by our Queens husband H.R.H The Duke
    of Edinburgh, with his own words congratulating the holder. Certificates
    will cost UK£4 each, Europe €5 and rest of the world USDs7.
    Alternatively certificate holders to be the first in their country to
    claim the certificate will have an 'FC' suffix following the certificate
    number. This denotes the first person in their country to claim the 'Geo-
    parks' award. These certificate holders will be worth one point towards
    the basic certificate, that requires two points, or work any five (5)
    certificate holders.
    Certificate Manager/direct QSLs, send to Martin Foster, G3VOF, QTHR
    or Please also see for the latest updates. Only log
    details are necessary.
    QSLs -- There is a special glossy high quality souvenir QSL cards for
    this event promoting the English Riviera Geopark.
    All QSL cards will automatically be sent out via the bureau, or send an
    SASE in the UK. If you are outside the UK, then please send an addressed
    envelope and sufficient funds for return postage if you would like a
    card direct, all QSLs via G3VOF.
    Any information required about GB6GEO please contact Martin Foster via
    e-mail at:
    If you live in Austria, Australia, China, Norway, Czech Republic, France,
    Italy, Spain or Brazil or any country with a Geopark and would like to
    participate in the Geoparks Communication Festival by putting on a "GEO"
    callsign please get in touch with G3VOF.
    Some other Geopark stations include:
    DK6GEO Harz Mountains (Unicorn Cave) Germany
    GB2MAC (Marble Arch Caves) N.Ireland
    EI2GEO (Copper Coast) Rep of Ireland
    J48GEO (Lesvos Is) N.Aegean Is, Greece
    YP2GEO (Tara Hateulul) Romania

    Main freq's that are used: 3.680MHz, 7.080MHz, 14.180MHz, 21.180MHz,
    28.380MHz., and 50.180MHz. GB6GEO will also transmit on 2m FM, and 6m SSB.
    The event is run by the Torbay Amateur Radio Society (TARS).

    INDEXA NEWS (Press Release, dated May 27th). The following was sent out
    by Bob Schenck, N2OO, President of INDEXA (International DX Association,
    Inc, 398 Lakeview Shores Loop, Mooresville, NC 28117 USA <>:
    Martti Laine, OH2BH, named INDEXA European Ambassador -- The INDEXA Board
    of Directors, at the annual board meeting held in Dayton, Ohio on May 18,
    2018, appointed world famous DXer and DXpeditioner Martti Laine, OH2BH,
    as INDEXA European Ambassador. Martti is one of the most accomplished and
    famous radio amateurs of our time. He has excelled in both the Contesting
    and DXing worlds and is a member of both the CQ Magazine Contesting Hall
    of Fame and the DX Hall of Fame. Martti has organized or participated in
    many DXpeditions, including a number of them to newly created countries or
    Martti will be promoting INDEXA in Europe along with INDEXA Board member
    Franz Langner DJ9ZB. Martti will start by making a presentation for INDEXA
    at the upcoming “Ham Radio” Convention – Friedrichshafen.
    On behalf of the officers, directors AND the membership of INDEXA, we
    welcome Martti to this new position! Laine European Ambassador.pdf

    II9, ITALY (FIFA Op). Team Sicily Radio Amateurs will be active as II9FIFA
    starting June 1st, until 1 hour after the final of the "FIFA WORLD CUP
    RUSSIA 2018". QSL via IW3RUA direct (see under II9FIFA for details),
    LoTW or eQSL. NO BUREAU. ADDED NOTE: See "Z6, Kosovo" below for more details
    about the FIFA event.

    IOTA NEWS..............
    Asiatic Russia IOTAs DXPedition. Members of Team RT9K have announced
    that their next operation, "Legends of the Arctic 2018", which will be
    held in September this year, and will take the route to Dudinka - Dickson
    - Firneley Islands (AS-054), Tyrtova Island (AS-121), Nansen Island
    (AS-104), the island of Scott Hansen (AS-068), the Island of the Arctic
    Institute (AS-087) and the Island of Sibiryakov (AS-005) - Dudinka.
    They plan to go by sea and use the callsign RI0B which was once used
    in 2001 from Ushakova Island (AS-156). QSLs will be only by ClubLog's
    OQRS/ Follow the team as they prepare for this expedition at:

    PLEASE NOTE: Since the Webmasters of the new <> have
    decided NOT to post or dedicate a Web page to announce upcoming IOTA
    operations, PLEASE send your IOTA operations information to the OPDX,
    and we will post it here in an upcoming bulletin......

    J3, GRENADA (Update). Nobby, G0VJG, will be active as J3/G0VJG (he will
    pick up his license there) from Grenada (NA-024) between June 13-27th.
    Activity will be on various HF bands as well as 6 meters and 60 meters
    using SSB only. QSL via G4DFI.

    * Press Release #9, dated May 28th: The Dateline DX Association is pleased
    to congratulate Kimo Chun, KH7U, on his induction into the CQ Magazine
    DX Hall of Fame at last weekend's Dayton DX Dinner. Kimo, a founding
    member of the Dateline DX Association, joins other DDXA members,
    Don/N1DG, Tom/N4XP, James/9V1YC, and Franz/DJ9ZB, as Hall of Fame
    members. Kimo was instrumental in our group getting permission to
    go to Midway in 2009 as K4M and in addition to his being on the team
    on Midway he has assisted our group in DXpeditions to Wake and Mo-
    zambique. Congratulations Kimo, you deserved this honor for all you
    have done for the DX Community.

    * The "60 Meter DX" reports that Team Leader Don, N1DG, told them that
    they will give 60m a big try after a few days on the air. They would
    think they will be on FT8 on 5.357 MHz. With such low band conditions
    this could be a tough one to work.

    * Team Leader Don, N1DG, reported on FaceBook June 2nd that "9 Skids
    of radios, amplifiers, antennas, tents, computers, coax and more
    weighing 2500 kg has arrived in Fiji where the team assembles in
    2 weeks." <>

    OFFICERS ELECTED FOR 2018-2019. The 2018-2019 Officers for the Arizona
    Outlaws Contest Club (effective June 1, 2018, - May 31, 2019) are:
    President: Andy Warycka, NY7N
    North Area VP: Ray Benny, N6VR
    Central Area VP: Chuck Zanella Sr., KF7U
    South Area VP: Owen Watson, AK7W
    Secy/Treasurer: Larry Reader, KE2VB
    PR/Recruiting: John Arthurs, K7WP
    Webmom: Sandy Farley, N7RQ

    PJ4, BONAIRE. Operators Lauren/W0LD and Jon/N0JK will be active on 50 and
    144 MHz between June 8-11th, and possibly the morning of the 12th from
    sunny Bonaire at the PJ4G contest station. The callsign will be PJ4V.
    This includes an entry in the ARRL VHF Contest [June 9-11th]. They may
    also work some other HF bands if 6 meters is quiet on SSB, CW and FT8.
    Activity on 6 meters is with high power, large yagi at 60 feet, and on
    a hill. Modes will be SSB, CW and FT8. Activity on 2 meters will be with
    100 watts into a yagi array. For more details about their HF setup at
    the PJ4G contest station, see:

    Jun/04th HN Jun/07th HN Jun/09th AN
    Jun/05th HN Jun/08th AN Jun/10th AN
    Jun/06th HN

    ----------------- ------ -------- ------
    AN - Above Normal Quiet K=0-1 0-7
    HN - High Normal Unsettled K=2 8-15
    LN - Low Normal Active K=3 16-29
    BN - Below Normal Minor Storm K=4 30-49
    DIS - Disturbed Major Storm K=5 50-99
    VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm K=6-9 100-400

    The purpose of this experimental Web site is to provide 24-7-365 actual
    (REALTIME) band condition information to CW QRPp, QRPe and CW/SSB for
    Contesters interested in increasing their scores. It can also be of
    benefit to other Radio Amateurs to determine band conditions for Nets
    and casual QSO's. This information is NOT based on any software pre-
    dictions or any kind of satellite based readings. It is based on a
    new Ionospheric sounding method called "HF Ionospheric Interferometry"
    which operates very similarly to the PolSAR system used by NASA.

    Also, check out the VOACAP predication Web page at:
    A daily HF radio wave propagation forecast can be found at:
    Also on Twitter:

    QSL INFO AND NEWS...................
    QSL-INFO from DB0SDX by Lothar, DL1SBF <> [May 31st]
    9A/DC5GA via DC5GA KL7/KJ6MBW via KJ6MBW SF80FOC via SM6CUK
    9H3SV via SV2CLJ (d) NU4E via DJ8OG SP304PAF via SP5KCR
    EG1PNP via EA1AUM OE100WLE via OE6WLE SW8WW via HA0HW
    EG8CM > No QSL OL90ITALIA via OK1ZKR W4T via K4BBH & (L)
    HB0/DJ1AA/m via DJ1AA R100PO via RC7LS

    (e) eQSL only (d) direct only (B) Bureau only (*-B) DX's- Bureau
    (O) OQRS only (C) ClubLog only (L) LoTW only (N) No QSL needed
    (I) No IRC (P) PayPal


    3B7A QSL STATUS. Posted June 1st, on the St. Brandon DX Expedition
    FaceBook page: "As promised, we are happy to provide tonight LoTW
    confirmation for everyone. Our QSL manager just sent the complete
    log to LoTW resulting to nearly 37k QSLs.
    Paper cards have been ordered to our print shop and should come to
    the QSL manager soon. All is ready to dispatch the cards very quickly."

    8P5A QSL UPDATE. Tom, W2SC, who was active as 8P5A during the CQWW WPX
    CW Contest (May 26-27th), says to please QSL via LoTW or via HA1AG
    (Zoli prefers via the Bureau).

    QSLS RECEIVED VIA LoTW: 3B7A, 4L1MA, 5T2AI, 7Z1SJ, 9H6A, 9M0W, C31LK,
    JW2US, JW8DW, OV1T, PJ8Z, R3GMT, R3THA, S55G, TF2MSN, UA0CW and YB3LZ/8
    * (op was signing YB3LZ; when unloaded as /3 LOTW matched the QSO)

    and XF1IM (NA-078)

    PJ5/K5WE, TY1TT, XE2KEC, XR2T, XT2AEF, XT2IVU, YL3BF and YT6A (2001,
    Old Montenegro, Yugoslavia)

    RZ9, EUROPEAN RUSSIA (WWF Ops). A group of radio amateurs from Russia
    will be active as RZ9SFF from specially protected natural areas in Orenburg
    and Bashkiria regions between June 23rd and July 3rd. Operators mentioned
    are Sergey/RU9SO, Valery/UA3DUV, Alexey/RA3AKF, Vladimir/UA9SIV, Boris/
    RW9TP, Vyacheslav/R9SD, Yakov/RC8SC, Sergey/R9SN and Vitaly/UB8SDB.
    Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and the Digital modes.
    The scheduled WWF areas are:
    * State Natural Reserve "Kandry-Kul" (RFF-0107)
    * State Natural Reserve "Asly-Kul" (RFF-0153)
    * State Natural Reserve "Shulgan-Tash" (RFF-0099)
    * State Natural Reserve "Orenburgskiy" (RFF-0067)
    * Orenburg State University (OSU) "Botanic Garden" (RFF-0446)

    Specific dates were not provided at this time. QSL via UA9SIV.

    S9, SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE (Reminder). By the time you read this, David,
    EB7DX, should be active as S9ZZ from Sao Tome Island (AF-023) until
    June 9th. Activity will be holiday style 40-6 meters using mostly SSB,
    RTTY, FT8 and some CW. QSL via his home callsign or ClubLog. For more
    details, updates and suggested frequencies, see:

    SV5, DODECANESE. Marcel, OK2QQ, will be active as SV5/OK2QQ from Kalymnos
    and Telendos Islands between June 12-22nd. Activity will be on 40-2 meters
    using CW, SSB and FM. QSL via his home callsign direct, LoTW or eQSL.

    T8, PALAU. Tatsuko, JJ1BDT, will be active as T88YL from the VIP Guest
    Hotel (Free Radio Room) on Koror Island (OC-009), between June 22-27th.
    Activity will be holiday style on 40/17/15 meters using SSB. QSL via
    JR1FKR, direct or by the Bureau. NO eQSL or LoTW.

    V7, MARSHALL ISLANDS. Will, KW4WZ, will be active as V73/KW4WZ from
    Kwajalein Islands (OC-028) between June 7-18th. Activity will be limited
    to his spare time from the Kwajalein Amateur Radio Club using JT65, FT8
    and SSB. QSL via LoTW.

    VA2, CANADA (Zone 2). Dany, VA2BK, will be active from Zone 2 (FN03) in
    Chisasibi, QC, between June 7-11th. Activity will be during his spare
    time mostly on the Digital modes (RTTY-FT8) and on the lower HF band
    including 60 meters. Both him and François, VA2RC, (permanent resident)
    will be active on 6m HP during the ARRL VHF Contest [June 9-11th] (CW/SSB)
    if the band opens. Dany states, "The 5 elements beam should be installed
    just in time for the contest." QSL only via LoTW after he returns back
    home (No direct or Bureau). PLEASE NOTE: If you need Zone 2 on CW or
    SSB, watch Yuri, VE2IM (VE3DZ), in upcoming CQWW contests.

    VK9X, CHRISTMAS ISLAND. Operators Martin/A65DC, Paul/A65DR, Thomas/SM0CXU
    and YL Delia/VE7HDW will be active as VK9XT from Christmas Island (OC-002)
    between September 29th and October 6th. Activity will be on 160-10 meters
    using CW, SSB and the Digital modes. FT8 might be used at times when no
    other operations are going on. QSL via N4GNR direct, LoTW, eQSL or's
    LogBook. Direct card via Clublog's OQRS will be active for 6 months after
    the DXpedition. You may request your direct card there. QSL Fee on the OQRS
    will increase to 3 USDs for OQRS to cover envelope and paypal costs. Free
    Bureau card via ClubLog's OQRS will be open for six months after the DX-
    pedition. For more details and updates, see:

    VP9, BERMUDA. Bill, KB3KYH, will be active as KB3KYH/VP9 from Warwick
    Parish, Bermuda (NA-005), between June 28th and July 3rd. Activity will
    be limited to his spare time and mainly on 20 meters SSB. QSL via KB3KYH
    or LoTW.

    YJ, VANUATU. Daniel, VK4AFU, will once again be active as YJ0AFU from Port
    Vila, Efate Island (OC-035, WLOTA 1051), between December 25th and January
    1st, 2019. Activity will be on 160-6 meters using FT8, JT65, JT9, RTTY,
    CW, SSB and some WSPR. Look for him on 6m using JT65 on 50090 kHz and
    CW/SSB on 50160 kHz +5 kHz. QSL via LoTW or NA5U direct. LoTW uploads
    will be done when he returns home. Check for updates.

    Z6, KOSOVO (FIFA Special Event). Members of the Kosovo Amateur Radio Society
    (SHARK) will activate the special callsign, Z60FIFA, for the 2018 FIFA World
    Cup event between June 1st and July 15th. QSL route TBA.
    SPECIAL ADDED FIFA NOTES: Under Z60FIFA on, you will also find
    details/rules for various special "FOOTBALL 2018 Awards" (RADIO MARATHON,
    World, Participant, Russia and Cities). There will be many special call-
    signs for each award. Some callsigns with the prefixes R18, RC18 and RU18,
    and some suffixes ending FWC and FIFA. There are at least 40 special
    stations from country-member of FIFA, and at least 25 special Russian
    stations, each of which symbolizes the team participant of the final
    tournament of the World Cup 2018. Also, there are 11 special Russian
    stations, each symbolizing one of 11 cities where the matches of the
    World Cup will take place as well as 2 special stations of the Organizing
    Committee RU18WC and R18REF.
    Again, all the special event stations are listed on under

    ZF, CAYMAN ISLANDS. Lawrence, K8HTC, will be active as ZF2LT from Grand
    Cayman Island (NA-016) between June 18-24th. Activity will be on various
    HF bands. Lawrence states, "For my birthday this year, my family asked
    what I 'really wanted.' My response was to be the DX station rather than
    chasing the DX stations.... I plan to be on the air for Field Day 2018
    and will QSL 100%. I plan to use the logbook, but other options
    are acceptable – especially a hardcopy of your QSL card." QSL via his
    home callsign or's LogBook.

    TO BE ADDED TO THE OPDX MAILING LIST -- Click or send requests to:
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    * All excerpts and distribution of "The OPDX Bulletin" are granted as
    long as KB8NW/OPDX/BARF80 receives credit.

    ** To contribute DX info, please send via InterNet Mail to:
    <> OR <> OR <>
    Information can now be faxed to the following phone line at:
    1-419-828-7791 (F A X only!)
  2. YT3ART

    YT3ART Ham Member QRZ Page

    Secretary-General of ITU
    Following the inquiry of the Administration of Serbia of 16 March 2018 regarding the use of Call Sign Series Z6 by amateur radio stations of Kosovo*, I would like to provide the following statement:
    Pursuant to Article 19 of the Radio Regulations, notably its provisions Nos. 19.28B and 19.33, the management of international series of call signs is a prerogative of ITU. Call sign series can be allocated only to the administrations of the ITU Member States by world radiocommunication conferences or, between radiocommunication conferences, by the ITU Secretary-General. In this respect, the attention of the ITU administrations is drawn to the fact that ITU has not allocated call sign series Z6 to any of its Member States. Consequently, the utilization of call signs series Z6 by any entity without a formal allocation and consent of the ITU represents an unauthorized and illegal usage of this international numbering resource.

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