Nice setup, Sir. It's easy to take power availability for granted but when there is no power, then what? You have created a great plan for when there is a grid interruption. If you fail to plan, plan to fail.
Thanks for saying so. Lots of time and "wasted" money through trial, error and a few failures. It's nice to get to this point. Thanks for the kindness. 73 Julian oh8stn
I enjoyed the presentation. I'm like minded and planned my station accordingly but not as much in depth as you. I noticed the wiring from and to the Power Queen batteries and was curious why there was no fuses at the B+/B- terminals. At my battery (there is only one) I used 40 amp marine fuses that attach directly to the battery posts.
Nice setup Julian, solar and wind power will keep working long after a generator runs out of gas. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have a fused disconnect on each battery, that could prevent a fire if one battery shorts out internally. A class T DC-rated fuse (sand filled) and a high- current switch is a good low-loss way to go for 12V systems. I've found that Airpax ALM series circuit breakers work well, they are available in ratings that handle currents around 10 to 100 amps. I'd be interested in hearing more about your vertical axis wind turbine setup. Keep those videos coming.
Excellent presentation, Julian, The angle on your solar panels says much about your remote location and the need for redundant power sources. Semper Fi and 73.
A lot of people far from the equator just point the solar on a 90 degree wall. Some are adjustable and my friend builds tracking mounts.
The video is fine stuff. And it shows what is to use in the worst case of the worst. Normaly units of the disaster control got an action radius of about 30 to 50 km. And here I see the DX Patrol as very useful for privat persons. When the radio broadcasting stations from analog and digital are to receive with low power. To that SSTV Stations are possibel, too. In summary spoken words, maps, warnings and other useful pictures are to receive in different ways. (DAB+ / SSTV). And for home use I see more a small emergency generator than some batteries. Depending on the local conditions. At last to take care about the cells in normal times will fall away. Further the own action area will be limited also in a disaster. So that to communicate with near stations is more important than anything else. And VHF up SHF will have a bigger signficance than shortwave. Antennas are much smaller and the used and needed energy will go down in its consumption. For example contacts with 0.5 Watt are enough within a town. Here for example that my personal disaster assembly point, for to meet the emergency staff in a case of action, is about 2 km away. And different repeaters are to use with not more than 4 Watt. The power is enough for to reach out up to 70 - 100 Km. What in the video is to see, goes much more far than normal and is not recommended by the fire brigade, disaster control or anything else, for to keep that equipment at home. But to show what is possibel, it packs a punch.
Great presentation Everyone should have an off-grid strategy for their amateur station. I have a full-time backup 20+ kW generator tied into my private natural gas wells, so I'm not too worried about power. My RVs all have solar. And a few of mobile HF through UHF stations, I have used those on several occasions of tornado activity and total Destruction in parts of Tornado Alley. 73 from, The K0UO " Rhombic Antenna Farm" miles of wire in the Air & On the AIR daily
I've been seeing stuff lately about going vertical with solar panels: I have both due to space constraint, and noticed zero difference....However, it may be because I have more than I need. Seems like a good idea during the winter at my QTH.
Good info as always Julian. My only issue with your video is that it reminds me that I have more work to do. Keep it up and S/F
Been running of solar plus battery for nearly two decades. Started small and added to it. The result is for the last 15 years I run the station with no grid support. If the power goes out the local LED lighting keeps the dark away. The older smaller system is still in use providing a 12V bus as strictly emergency lighting thoughout the house. Gives me a small measure of energy independence and makes for no interrupts. If your staring the wider availability of newer batteries, panels, and charge controllers helps and makes for better system performance and lower cost. Since the Fridge and freezer can go for a day easily I have a genset (5.5KW) for that. His (Julian's) approach is sound. Monitoring systems and proper fusing makes sense for safety and insuring battery life.