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Oahu Go Kit Challenge

Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by KH6OWL, May 5, 2019.

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  1. KH6OWL

    KH6OWL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Left to Right, Front Row, AH6VO, NH6PY, KH6OWL KH6WG, WH6I, WH6FVG & WH6EUG; Back Row Left to Right, WH6CPH, KH6LT, & Wh6FXL (Not pictured, KH6GMB and WH6FAO)

    We were lucky with the rain, we had about 5 minutes of heavy rain just before set up but no rain afterwards and it turned out to be a nice cool morning with little wind.

    The go kit challenge was held at the Kapolei Skate Park on May 4th from 8:30 AM to 12 PM and 12 operators were in attendance.

    The Commander Hardened Power System was demonstrated by WH6FXL, Michael

    Michael was cable of running UHF/VHF and digital modes. He is working on HF but the radio is cable of HF work. He has a USB Sound card cable that hooks into the computer, without the need of a external Signalink USB sound card. The entire kit fits into the ammo can pictured.


    WH6FXL with his Go-Kit
    Ralph, NH6PY, made his Go Kit.

    Ralph, NH6PY, Go Kit
    This kit was built by Ralph and consist of a LT-898UV dual band mobile radio, speaker, hand-microphone and antenna all put in a water proof Nanuk 905 box. Powered by a small battery that can be charged without taking it a part.



    Luiton LT-898UV Radio
    Steve KH6WG, has several antenna for UHF/VHF and HF. He did not set up the HF antenna but operated and made contact easily.

    Power by vehicle power or a SunSocket EnergyBar 300 and solar panels, Steve’s kit is vehicle mounted and also portable radios.[​IMG]


    Diamond antenna with remote power to lower and raise the antenna
    TYT TH-7800 radio portable set up

    Pono, WH6CPH go Kit consisted of a 17 foot fishing pole with a Ed Fong antenna with a Kenwood radio in a ammo can run by a battery.



    The final station was set up by Mark, KH6LT, and consisted of a lot of items he has collected from photography work and friends.

    KT-8900R Radio, Radio to Left is Marine Radio with portable antenna

    This all fits in a mostly water proof box, except for holes drilled in back to run cables. Mag mounted antenna on a special bracket attached to the back.

    Mark had a special bumper hitch mount to hold his umbrella but it can also support a antenna mast as well.


    Mark used camera quick disconnects to put on and take off radios and brackets [​IMG]

    [​IMG]To wrap up Mark’s equipment h e just added a portal weather station to his arsenal.


    We believe everyone had fun and thanks to Tiki’s Bar and Restaurant and the EARC for sponsoring the event and providing $25 gift cards for 6 operators. We got lucky with the weather as Oahu had heavy rains.
    KA2CZU and KC9ONY like this.
  2. AK9S

    AK9S Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Great to read about these emergency kit set-ups being tested and the field learning that comes along with it. Kudos...
  3. KQ6XA

    KQ6XA Ham Member QRZ Page

    It is great to see the wonderful go boxes and portable systems put together by the Oahu hams.
    What a fabulous event!

    As an observation...
    I wonder how many operators stopped using ammo cans for Emcomm ham and public service radio? o_O
    Ammo cans were once really very common among Emcomm and /Portable HF operators, because of the low cost and ubiquity.

    Now, especially the OD green ones, raise eyebrows, :eek: with all the heightened security and increased wanton gun violence.

    There's no way I would want to travel on commercial airlines with an ammo box these days.

    I stopped using ammo cans for my fox hunt boxes... after a local ham in our T-hunt group got in trouble... a "concerned citizen" called 911 on his ammo can with the antenna... and the bomb squad appeared.
    Even though there was a "this is an amateur radio" notice printed on the side of the ammo can, the police still thought it was a remote-controlled bomb.

    The trend for go boxes has moved more toward "Pelican" and other briefcase-like enclosures, some of which have become more economical.

    Ammo can fox hunt transmitter.

    Pelican top loading go box with Icom IC-F7000 HF Selcall-ALE land mobile 125W transceiver and power supply.
    Last edited: May 7, 2019
  4. KE5ES

    KE5ES Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    The housing doesn't matter when it comes to suspicious packages. Ammo Box or Pelican Case, it is what works for you. Personally I prefer either plastic ammo boxes or Pelican style cases as when a wire or a battery touches the metal ammo box there shall be sparks. I like the ideas that were presented but it all comes down to: Does it work and can you use it for the purpose intended? People should have more of these challenges. I know Field Day is coming up but think of "You have 15 minutes to have a working communications station." Can you do that with the kit you have or does it take a couple of hours?
  5. ZL1RD

    ZL1RD Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nice site... however English is not this groups strong suit.... Word should by Capable not Cable. :)
  6. N7KO

    N7KO Ham Member QRZ Page

    Very good stuff, my only question do any of you do CW, I did not notice a key.
  7. NA0MT

    NA0MT XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    To the group, KUDOS for the presentation and get together to share these Go Kits. There are some really great ideas to borrow from here. I have built a couple of them... my signature picture is of a Elecraft KX3 kit in a small back pack with Solar Support.
  8. KH6OWL

    KH6OWL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    I like the donkeys in ZL1RD QRZ photo.
  9. K9CTB

    K9CTB Ham Member QRZ Page

    Nice article. Great workmanship with a great goal in mind ... But this concern for the PC police (and the bomb squad that follows behind) just makes things ridiculously difficult for everyone ... not just volunteer public servants. When they call the gun-toting public servants on the public servants who are serving .... or training so they can serve .... someone has far too much time on their hands. The media has made paranoid fools of us all .... and when we show that foolishness, they're gonna make sure they're there with cameras rolling. Man, what a sad commentary on the American condition. How can we do our (voluntary) jobs, and still fight the lunacy? Oh, don't bother, it's rhetorical. 73, K9CTB
    N6CEK and KH6OWL like this.
  10. KH6OWL

    KH6OWL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    We just did a fox hunt last month and I went to the Police station and informed them of what we would be doing and showed them the fox. They didn't care, didn't even write it down and would not take the flyer that had all the information on it. We didn't have any problems but thought it was funny they didn't seem to care.
    K9CTB likes this.
  11. KY5U

    KY5U Ham Member QRZ Page

    Great job on these kits. Good that you eschewed the use of junky looking ammo cans. Here is something you forgot for your go kit in Ohau... It'll work in New Orleans too.


    Thanks for sharing your pics!
  12. KB7THL

    KB7THL XML Subscriber QRZ Page

    Thanks for sharing! There are so many possibilities...
  13. W7TRD

    W7TRD Premium Subscriber QRZ Page

    Nice kits! And, yes...Oreos do belong in every Go-Kit! :p Aloha to all the Kamaaina gang!
    Last edited: May 31, 2019

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