Join us, every Sunday at 21:15 UTC, for an informal live stream chat session about current space weather -- the Sun/Earth connection -- including sunspot activity, solar x-ray flares, and geomagnetic activity. We also discuss current radio signal propagation conditions on the shortwave (high-frequency, or HF) radio spectrum. We sometimes go into ham radio (amateur radio) topics like HF antennas (dipoles, doublets), and related topics. You can ask questions, and we will discuss some of them now, and some of them in upcoming videos. The first livestream was today (Sunday, 18 August 2024). You can fast forward past the "Stand By" period at the beginning. This is my first Space Weather and Radio Propagation livestream. Feedback is welcomed! Here is the livestream video link - check it out: This will occur every Sunday at about the same time - 21:15 UTC. Spread the word! 73 de NW7US ..
Hello! I see that closed captions are not available for your YouTube video. I would encourage you to consider activating those to make your videos more accessible to all folks. 73
Hi, KK7BRR! I appreciate your suggestion. I am working on the transcript. Because this livestream includes radio chatter and noise, the artificial intelligence engine that tried to automatically transcribe a video has made horrible choices. For instance, [Applause] is put everywhere noise occurs during the live stream. Then, there are moments when I talk, the radio has voice, then I talk. That gets all garbled with AI. I have to manually go through the entire video, moment by moment, set the time index, write the text. This will take a while! I am poking at it as I can. It is a great feature to enable - but I don't want to confuse viewers with AI garbage.
Being that I have to type up the entire transcript and code it with time markers, it will take some time. I'd be quite thrilled if you want to lend a hand and send me some of the transcript, and I'll time code it.
The second livestream commences at 21:15 UTC, today (Sunday, August 25, 2024). To see the link to the current livestream each week, visit: See you there!
I missed it Sunday. I have been trying to learn as much as I can about solar weather effects on everything. I will have to try and catch it next Sunday.
You can see the replay, now, and then join us next weekend. The direct link to this past Sunday's livestream is this:
The latest episode, dedicated to the Olivia digital mode on HF: See you on Sunday for our next episode!