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Nice Hamfest in Wisconsin

Discussion in 'Hamfest Reports & Videos' started by N8PKN, Nov 7, 2022.

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  1. N8PKN

    N8PKN Ham Member QRZ Page

    I attended the Fox Cities ARC Club hamfest in Kaukauna on Saturday, 11/6/22. There was great attendance, parking lot was crammed with vehicles sporting antennas. I cant say how many tables they had, guess would be 100 or more, NO EMPTY tables. Every available table had "good stuff" on and or under it. Lots of vintage parts, tubes, and some vintage HF radios. Prices were great, folks were eager to bargain.
    I picked up some parts for my collection, no big purchases, though was tempted.

    BONUS, I won a door/raffle prize, first time in a long while. And it wasn't a cheap pen or other useless item. I won a 100 watt foldable solar panel, valued at over $200.

    I have been to this swap several times and it has always been a good one.

    Bob, N8PKN.
    W0ZEN, W8TJM, KD9CKB and 1 other person like this.
  2. KC9ONY

    KC9ONY Ham Member QRZ Page

    Dan N9LVS made a short video:

    Sure would have liked the solar panel or the ID-5100A, though I already have that radio.
    I sold a few things for an estate, perhaps for less than I should have, but at least I
    don't have to haul it to the next hamfest. Personally, I wish the announcer audio
    wasn't so loud, especially since my table position was almost directly under one
    of the ceiling speakers!

    Also sold some things at Friendly Fest in Milwaukee the day before.
    I'm a poor judge of crowd size,but it seemed like more sellers at FCARC.
    Haven't heard attendance figures for either hamfest yet.

    Since the Waukesha hamfest doesn't exist anymore, the next hamfest for
    me would be in St. Charles, IL, if they have it this year.

    de KC9ONY
  3. W9FL

    W9FL Ham Member QRZ Page

    Looks like a good swapfest.

    The last two I attended had nothing but junk. One guy even had an old lawnmower for sale.
  4. VK5KKS

    VK5KKS Ham Member QRZ Page

    One man's trash is another man's treasure. But yea, I've seen a lot of rubbish at boot sales etc.
  5. KC9FSH

    KC9FSH Ham Member QRZ Page

    I've been attending this hamfest since 2006 and almost every year it has been a good one. Tony, AB9IO, organizes the hamfest and does an amazing job at it.
    One thing I've always liked about this hamfest is there are always a few tables selling parts and normally they have been sold at reasonable amounts. One thing I would like to see added is at least one vendor with connectors, in the past there were vendors but for the past few years there haven't been any, other than Wolf River Coils.

    My haul this year wasn't big but it was good enough, a roller inductor, variable capacitor and a Wolf River Coil SB-1000 with 102" whip. Overall great hamfest and it is a great way to see some of the hams who I haven't seen in a few years.
    N8PKN and W9FL like this.

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